Very pleased tomeet you, Madame Aluhara.
“Very pleasedto meet you, Madame Aluhara.”
Aluharablinked. “He can’t speak?”
Ivethasnickered. “Oh, he can speak, but he shouldn’t do it indoors oranywhere there is something that can shatter.”
I can talkinto you. All over. He kept an innocent look on his face.
Not in front ofmy bio parent, asshole.
Riithan’sconsort laughed. “I caught that one at the end.”
Ivetha blushed.“Sorry, I am being rude. Apologies.”
Arata smirked.Filthy mouth. Keep it up.
That’s yourjob, perv.
Everyone waslooking at them as their fingers flew.
Ivetha lookedat her mother and then bowed. “I am sorry. I am not very socialwith adults, and my bond with Arata is very new and not settled. Itis distracting. Plus, he’s really hot and glows in the dark.”
Arata casuallyreached around her and covered her mouth while pulling her in frontof him.
Aluhara smiled.“So, this is what they mentioned when they said that your batch wasdifferent. May I have a hug?”
Ivetha steppedout of Arata’s confinement and hugged her mother. Aluhara startedto sob happily, and Ivetha felt a slow curl of warmth in part ofher brain that had been numb before. Her egg donor smelled prettylike her childlike idea of a mom should.
“Oh, baby. Youare so pretty and strong.” Aluhara sobbed and leaned back beforeshe cupped Ivetha’s face. “You are an active?”
“I am.”
“Soundmanipulation, but I have a day job.” She smiled shyly.
“Oh, what doyou do, sweetie?” Aluhara kept stroking her cheeks, neck, hair.
“I am aprogrammer.” She said it with confidence. This part of herself wasnot in question. Ivetha blinked. “Oh, this is my mate, King Arataof Ekovar. He’s an active, too. Oh, wait. I already said that.”
When sheglanced over her shoulder, Arata was grinning in silent laughter.She took him in and blinked. Right. No shit, he was an active. Sheblushed. She was acting like a five-year-old showing off herfavourite toy. Come to think of it.
Arata inclinedhis head and shook Aluhara’s hand.
Aluharaintroduced her mate, and another hand was shaken.
Arata signed,You have every right to be proud of your daughter. She hasgrace, beauty, and a heart so generous that it made room forme.
Ivetha paused.“He says Sethir is very nice.”
He elbowed herand frowned.
“He says youhave every right to be proud of your daughter. She has grace,beauty, and a heart so generous that it made room for him... and Ican’t believe he has me translating compliments.”
Aluharablinked. “He doesn’t talk?”
“Not if hedoesn’t want the people to explode.” She smiled brightly. “And thatis without concerted effort. I can just turn their brains to mush,but I have to concentrate.”