He leaned away,stared at her, grinned, and rolled her until they tumbled to theend of her bed. Ivetha blinked and hid her face against his neck.He was laughing. He threaded his fingers in her hair, tugged herhead back, and kissed her. Apparently, he wasn’t concerned aboutit.
Her blood wasrushing in her veins when they parted. Her chest was heaving, andshe realized that her robe was long gone. She looked up and aroundat where their clothing from the previous day was, and it was gone.“Where did the clothes go?”
He beckoned hercloser and spoke into her mouth. It was surprisingly arousing tohear him whisper, “It will be brought with breakfast.”
She leaned backand said, “But they were loaners from Sariah.”
He smiled andspoke against her temple. “New clothing will be provided.”
“Oh right. Akiopaid.”
He spoke intoher ear, “Like fuck he did.”
“So, what isthe local currency?”
“Credits forlabour or service. The island buys the materials for our artisansso that they don’t have to bankrupt themselves to get intobusiness.”
“Differentvillages in the lowlands.” He spoke against her neck, and it wasthe last bit of stimulation needed. She shuddered against him andmade a soft sound as she went limp. He muttered, “You have no ideahow much I love that.”
Her hipstwisted and gyrated against his belly as the slow spasms went onand on. It was more from the use of the word love sounexpectedly. She rode it out until she relaxed, and his smileagainst her skin was unmistakable.
“We need tosign some paperwork today.”
She mutteredagainst his chest, “What?”
“Paperwork.Sign things.”
“Please marryme.”
She snapped upon her arms and glared at him. “What?”
He moved hishands between them. Marry me. I wanted you when you were myescort, and I want you now more than ever.
She looked athim with wide eyes. “I... don’t know. I don’t want to step onSariah’s toes. She wants to start a life here. I can’t. I am tooloud. I wreck everything. Last night was an example.”
He stared ather, and eventually, he blinked and nodded. I think I amunderstanding. My offer stands. I will wait.
She nodded andswallowed, carefully getting off him and darting to the bathroom.She was under the spray in seconds, and the tears startedimmediately after. She didn’t hear him, but his hands stroked hershoulder, and then his arms wrapped around her.
He helped hersoap her hair and body and rinsed her off. He then held her underthe spray as she held onto him.
He stroked hercheeks and lifted her head. She saw calm understanding, and hekissed her again. He was too much, too loud, and wreckedeverything. He understood.
Ivetha smoothedthe sarong skirt and ignored the wrapped top that was made of yardsof ribbon. Arata had dressed her himself. Her breasts were wrappedin ruby red. As was the skirt. The strappy sandals were delicate,and she really didn’t want Sariah to see her.
She was walkingdownstairs after breakfast when a very familiar sound came to herears. “Now, where are my little girls?”
Ivetha rantoward the sound and heard the shriek before she could round thecorner. Sariah had gotten there first. Ivetha slowed and walkedcalmly. The giddy excitement of running to her guardian and beingthe first in her arms was gone. It was Sariah’s day. It was usuallySariah’s day, but today, it was official.
Ivetha lookedfor another exit but didn’t find one, so she walked into the roomwhere the hug was still going on.
Bex looked ather. “Ivetha, oh, good, you are still here.”
She walked toher guardian and sister. Sariah was still in the hug and beamingwith happiness. Bex’s feline green eyes, pointed ears, and fuzzyskin, along with the armoured bodysuit, were familiar.