She got to herfeet and left the office where she had been left by herself. Shelooked around, and when she didn’t see anyone, she headed for theguestroom she had been using. She opened the door and paused. Thebed was just gone.
A footfallbehind her got her attention. Arata held out his hand to her. Shegrimaced. “Let me guess.”
He smiled andcocked his head. He looked very pretty and charming. He walkedthrough the kitchen and grabbed a pack off the table. He slung itover one shoulder and then smiled as he guided her out of thebuilding and up a path.
They walkedtogether. The thick jungle disappeared suddenly, and they were on aflat clifftop with cushiony green grass.
He smiled andsat with the pack next to him. He patted his thigh, and she rolledher eyes.
He grinned andpatted his thigh again.
She fidgetedand looked around at the beautiful view of rocky cliffs and oceanwaves with the blanket of super bright stars above them.
The view wasamazing, and she was still tired. “You are odd.”
His eyescrinkled, and when she carefully settled on his thigh, he spokeagainst her temple. “This way, I can talk to you.”
Her body camealive under his slow murmur. She swallowed. “You came out here totalk to me?”
“Yes. I comeout here to speak to the wind now and then. If I am careful, Idon’t cause storms on the mainland.”
“If I had knownyou were this kind of active, our interactions would have beendifferent.”
“You wouldn’thave gotten what you needed from me that way.”
He chuckled.“There would have been a different outcome, but I would still havegotten what I needed.”
She fought thesquirm as the tickly feeling in her sex got more violent with thelow thrum of his voice. He was right. The outcome would have beendifferent.
“Well, thecontract was for an instructor, so even the BDC wasn’t going tooffer you double duty unless it was agreed upon.” She ignored thefact that her nipples were hard and things were getting a littleslick down below. She swallowed. “You are going to be mybrother-in-law in two days, so this isn’t really appropriate.”
“No. That willnot be the situation. New regulation. If the spouses come fromacross the sea, there is no issue with other siblings marrying fromoff the island. It was passed by the village leaders today.”
She was shakingand, through gritted teeth, stated, “Interesting. Why would you dothat?”
“So that Icould court you without any issues from my people. You are onlyhere for a few days, so I am trying to make it count.”
“Make whatcount?”
“Persuading youto stay.”
“I have ajob.”
“Can you do itremotely?”
“I... could.”She frowned and considered the logistics.
“Am I able toconvince you that it’s a good idea to continue life on Ekovar?”
“I don’t wantto step on Sariah’s toes. She managed to find her way to Akio, andI don’t want to ride along on her joy.”
“They will headto the far side of the island for privacy, which will leave youhere.”
“And you willreturn me to Aksalla.”