“Of course.Eventually.” She could feel the curve in his lips against hertemple.
“If you don’t,our guardian will. Aunt Bex is rather stern when it comes to us. Wewill see how things go.”
“Right. She iscoming tomorrow?”
“She is.”
“Akio got theguesthouse ready.”
“Good. So, whatis involved in the night before the wedding?”
He pressed akiss to her temple. “I will tell you, but eat something. All thesugar that the children gave you wasn’t enough.” He opened the bagwith one hand and flipped it open.
“That was fun.The parents were nervous at first, but when the kids were full ofgiggles, things relaxed.”
She cocked herhead while he got a bottle of water out, washed his fingers, andthen reached back into the bag.
What followedwas a one-sided picnic. He held the food for her, and she ateshredded salads and meat from his fingers. The BDC training hadgotten her prepared for this, but she still blushed at the intenselook in his eyes.
When she wasdone, she held up her hand. “Enough.”
He chuckled andpacked the picnic up again.
She was fulland sleepy.
“I know you areno longer Fifty-one, but will you sing to me?”
Ivetha nodded.“Sure. Do you need to put your head on my thigh?”
She shook herhead and settled on the grass. He lay next to her and placed hishead on her thigh. She sang softly and ran her hand through hishair, letting her power trickle down her arm and nestle in hismind. She sang as the moon rose high and carefully built control inhis brain. She built layers of activation, of control, and of fightresponses in his mind. Most of it would fade, but over time, itwould build up. She wondered if she had the time.
Ivetha sangsong after song as he breathed slowly against her, and then shekept her hand on his head as she watched the night sky dance aroundher. Around them.
Her fingersrested against his scalp, and she wanted nothing more than to rest,but one of them had to be on alert.
She had been upfor hours when she heard laughing voices whispering as theyapproached the cliff.
Sariah and Akiocame up, and her sister slammed her hand against her fiancé,stopping him in his tracks. “Ivy, is he sleeping?”
Sariah wasrelieved. “Are you tired?”
Ivetha sighed.“Yes.”
“Can you wakehim up?”
Ivetha lookeddown at Arata and stroked his head. He moved against her palm.“Your Majesty, you need to wake up now. We have visitors.”
He frowned andpressed his face against her thigh. She grinned and flicked his earwith her finger.
He sat up andsaid, “Ow.”
Akio gasped,and Sariah covered her mouth as she laughed.
Ivetha lookedat Arata and said, “You slept for two hours. My turn.”