She nodded.“Yup. When you speak, it builds up. I just had to go for a flightto take the edge off. I forgot the door was locked when I cameback.”
“You couldn’treturn through the window?” His body vibrated hers.
“No. It is likefiring water jets out of my hands. Not a lot of finesse.” She kepther voice low. “And I didn’t want to wake you.”
He lifted hishead from between her breasts. “Wake me.”
“I would wakeyou by crashing through the window, and the guards would be at thedoor a moment later.”
He paused.“Fine. Knock on the door when you get here then. I don’t mindgetting you back in my bed. I had to search for you a little, andyou will hear about it in the morning.”
She groaned.“Delightful. Going to launch out the window again as soon as we aredone here.”
He smiled, andhis eyes gleamed. “Then, I will just have to leave youdepleted.”
He closed hislips over the tip of her left breast, and she squeaked out, “It wasnot a challenge!”
Over the nexthour, the roof shook, and the plaster cracked in three places, buthe was sweaty and extremely smug when they were in the showeragain. She just relaxed against him. She felt boneless.
Ivetha yawnedas he helped her get dressed. “How did you do that?”
He wassmirking. He whispered against her collarbone, “Motivation.”
She looked ather clothes and then at his. “Matching?”
He spokesoftly. “Royal colours. Matching.”
He took her bythe hand, kissed her knuckles, and murmured, “Official ceremonysoon.”
She looked upat him and frowned. “I am a little sluggish. What?”
“But now,breakfast.”
They walked tothe dining area of the palace, and he typed on his com when theyleft the room. She blinked as a series of workers passed them inthe hall, heading for his rooms.
He grinned andnodded.
“Sorry. That’smortifying.”
He smiled.
They settledinto the dining room, and food was brought to her, and a carafe andother beverages were brought for Arata.
She asked, “Doyou really just drink?”
He shrugged andsigned, It is fine to eat but wastes time. Now that you let medrink from you, it will cease to be a pressing line ofimagining.
“You havewasted a lot of time with me.” Guilt rippled through her.
No time withyou is a waste. This has been our courtship, of sorts. In manyglobal traditions, you owe me your life, so I am claiming it.
She stared athim. “What!” Heads turned around after her shriek.