He sipped a cupof juice and smirked then set it down and signed, There havealready been queries to hand you over. This is just another claimthat means the entire island is here for your defense.

“I don’t wantanyone in harm’s way. If they want me, I will face the claims.”

No. You willnot. You will learn about Ekovar and its people, eat plenty of thetreats the kids bring you, and give me hell at random intervals.Oh, and make sure your sister learns the rules. You are queen. Sheis not. It needs to be reinforced.

“Wait. Today isthe coronation.”

He nodded.You are dressed for it. Accessories are going to be waiting forus at the ceremony.


He wrinkled hisnose and gestured. Eat. It will be a long day.

She finishedher serving, drank her water, and looked at him. “What now?”

You have tospend time with the ladies alongside my mother. You will betranslating as well as acting as the queen-consort.

“Why me? Imean, there are plenty of charming ladies here. Lovely, bitchy. Youname it.”

He smiled andgot to his feet, taking her hands in his and pulling her to herfeet. He kissed her softly and whispered against her lips, “Idreamed of a woman I could talk to, and here you are.”

She looked upat him. “Strange dreams.”

“A riot ofpossibilities.” He kissed her again, and there was a sound near thedoorway.

His aunt andmother were grinning at them. He chuckled. “Time to go and be aqueen. Have fun.”

She huffed andslapped him on the ass as she left him. His relatives looked ather, shocked, and she shrugged. Signing and speaking. “So, ladies,what is first?”

She was bustledoff to the baths where the ladies of the community were all havinga soak. Sariah was in the middle of the gaggle of ladies.

Tuurin helpedher undress, and before she entered the water, a gold chain was putaround her waist. Helthiot smiled and signed, That won’t remainon long.

“Why not?” Shesigned and spoke as she stepped into the water.

Helthiot madean unmistakable gesture. Swelling belly.

“Oh, wow. Notfor a while, I hope.” Sariah laughed.

Tuurin lookedover from where she was folding fabric. “The sooner Ivetha ispregnant, the sooner our kingdom can enjoy the possibility of thenext king or queen.”

Sariahchuckled. “I may have you beat there.”

The happysounds the women were making ceased. Everyone looked at Sariah.

Ivetha didn’tsay anything as she walked to the waterfall, and the other womeneased aside to let her sit. She thanked them softly and settledunder the pounding spray.

She sawHelthiot’s sign, She just won’t shut up, will she?

She is a joyouswoman who knows her worth. She also thinks she knows mine.

She let thewarm pounding work on her neck and shoulders, and when she wasrelaxed, she stepped off the seat and glided toward her sister, wholooked confused and hurt that she was no longer the centre ofattention. Ivetha patted her on the shoulder, and she went to sitwith Tuurin and her sisters, translating for the young women to theprevious queen. When Helthiot gave the sign, the ladies all got upand got dressed. Helthiot and Tuurin got Ivetha dressed and thenput gold jewellery on her until she could barely stand. Theheadpiece was four pounds on its own.

Helthiot tookher hand and led her out of the palace and through the town to apathway under an arbour of blooming flowers and lovely vines. Themen of the town were waiting, Arata was front and centre. An olderversion of himself was there, wearing gold cuffs and a heavyneckpiece that just touched the top of his glowing tattoo.

Arata waswearing wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, a heavy chest piece, and acirclet that held his hair back.

He held hishand out to her, and his mother didn’t let her rush. One step at atime, she reached his side and took his hand. He said softly, “I,Arata of Ekovar, elected king, do take you, Ivetha of Aksalla, tobe my queen, to take care of my people as your own and to lead themin my absence. You have given me speech, control, and thewillingness to meet your wild temperament with my own.”