“Okay, I will talk with my sister,” I concede.
“And I love you too,” he admits.
“You do?”
He growls. “I single-handedly started building our new home right in front of you. No guy does that unless there are some pretty strong feelings involved. Like love.”
“Yes, oh.”
I recall the day I hoped a squirrel would run off with his shirt.
My eyes flick to his bare chest, and I slowly walk my finger up and down it, the muscles contracting under my light touch as his gaze turns hot. “And will there be more days where you strip off your shirt and dig holes in the ground?”
He gives me an appraising look. Seeing the arousal I’m not doing a damn thing to hide, his eyes go half-lidded. “I’m guessing you want the answer to that particular question to be yes.”
“Maybe,” I say, playing coy.
He raises a brow at the same time he strokes a hand down my body, briefly squeezes my breasts, and his fingers delve between my thighs.
I’m wet. Totally drenched.
“Uh… just maybe, huh?”
I moan and widen my thighs. “Maybe a little more than that.”
His head dips and his lips touch my mouth. Before I can kiss him back, he kisses his way down my body.
He drapes my legs over his back, his hands holding my thighs open. “Then I’d say I have a real job of turning that maybe into a yes, huh?”
I lie back and prepare to hold out on saying yes for as long as possible.
I don’t last long.
And even after I start screaming yes, he doesn’t stop.
I’m practically hoarse from screaming when he kisses his way up my body and flashes me a grin. “Then I’ll have to make sure that happens often, huh?”
Jackson and Regan are the first people to congratulate us when we come down for breakfast. They must have been waiting for us because they rush out of his office the second we hit the entryway.
Regan takes one look at the bite on my throat and squeals in excitement.
Jackson claps Ty on the arm as Regan drags me into an extended hug. “You two finally figured things out.”
“We did.” I grin, returning her hug.
“Well, you’re lucky,” Jackson says, pointing his chin at Regan. “That one had so many plans to throw you two together, you have no idea.”
Regan releases me and nods vigorously. “I’ve been talking with Talis. She was telling me to keep my nose out of it, but sometimes things need a little nudge.”
I recall her smirk at the pack meeting. “Like sending us out together to scope out potential sites for those cabins?”
“Nope. That was mine.” Jackson takes Regan’s hand and tucks her under his shoulder. “She planned to lock you two in the basement together and pretend she lost the key. I’m relieved things didn’t come to that.”
I look at Regan.