Page 65 of Possessive Alpha

She shrugs. “Because you are happy here.”


“You are,” she interrupts, saving me from lying. “I know you want to be with Ty, and he wants to be with you. So you should stay and be with him. And I’ll?—”

“No,” I interrupt. “We’re not splitting up, Clara. You’re my little sister. If you’re not happy here, then we find somewhere you are.”

“But you are?—”

“It doesn’t matter about me.” I look away, hoping Clara doesn’t see my pain as I unconsciously echo Ty’s words. “It’s my job to look after you, and that means making sure you’re happy. Come on, it’s getting dark and I’d like to help them if I can.”

“But, Martha?—”

Again I shake my head, walking away before she can say more.

The guys have finished digging two large holes, and Ty is looking in my direction as I lead Clara back.

His eyes dart from me to Clara and back again as I approach. “Everything okay?”

I smile. “Fine.”

He slides an arm around me. “Then let’s get you back home.”

I’m quiet on the walk back, shrugging off Ty’s offer to carry me. Clara is also quiet as she trails us. I’d always known this would eventually happen but hoped it never would.

Clara isn’t happy here.

Ty is building a life for himself here, but if I leave with Clara, he will follow. I can’t ask him to do that when he’s clearly happy here.

I don’t know what to do.

Or I guess I do. It isn’t what I want, but it’s what I need to do.


We’re back at the house and all I can think about is Clara’s quiet admission.

She was running away because she knew I wouldn’t want to leave Ty.

I can’t let her do that. I’m the one who’s supposed to be taking care of her, even if she wants to leave and leaving is the last thing I want.


I lift my head.

Ty is standing at the foot of the staircase, his brow creased in concern and his hand held out to me.

I get the impression he’s been standing that way for a while.

“Everything okay?”

I dig out a smile and cross over to take his hand. “Fine.”

“Martha?” Clara calls my name and I look over my shoulder, smiling when I want to cry. “We’ll talk about that thing in the morning, okay?”

She gives me a long look, and it’s clear she doesn’t believe me any more than Ty does. “Okay. Good night.”

He doesn’t speak to me as I let him lead the way upstairs to his room, but I feel him glance down at the top of my head.