Page 66 of Possessive Alpha

I was so happy this morning, so content in Ty’s arms. Now it seems like it was a million years ago.

Ty leads me into his bathroom, and I stand there, trying not to cry.

He turns on the shower and reaches for the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head.

When my eyes fill with tears, I cover my face so he won’t see me cry.

For one long moment, nothing happens. Then I hear Ty turn off the shower before he slides his arm around my back and pulls me close.

“Sweetheart…” His voice is a soothing rumble against my chest.

I shake my head, not wanting to talk about what Clara said. I wind my arms around him, and I cling to him.

“A shower can wait,” he says, reluctantly breaking our hug to pick me up and carry me into his room.

Even after he’s sat me down on the side of the bed, I still don’t pull my hands from my face. “Sweetheart?”

“I’m okay.” My voice is so muffled, it’ll be a wonder he can understand me at all.

He grips both of my wrists and gently tugs, revealing my blotchy and tear-stained face. I don’t cry often. When I do, it is never pretty. “What’s wrong, baby?”

I stare at his chin. “Don’t look at me. I’m ugly when I cry.”

He angles my face back to him. “You’re never ugly. What’s wrong?”

I sniff, brush more tears from my eyes, and take in the big, naked alpha currently crouched in front of me, his face stamped with concern. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

He cocks his head. “And this is a bad thing?”

“It’s complicated.”

“And was it the reason Clara was running away?” He raises a brow.

I scowl. “Ty…”

He lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug. “You didn’t walk far, and I was trying not to listen.”

I sigh, my anger sliding away in an instant. It’s too hard to hold onto it when I can’t stop thinking about Clara and Ty. “Jackson is making you his second-in-command, isn’t he?”

He blinks, confused at my unexpected question, but he nods. “He thinks we work well together, and I agree.”

“So you’re happy here.”

Is it awful of me to wish he would say no so I can tell him that Clara wants to leave, so how about we all leave together? Then, I won’t feel like I’m having to choose between the two loves of my life.

I see something in his eyes that makes me grip his wrist. “The truth, Ty. Are you happy here?”

After the longest second in the world, he nods. “But?—”

I smile brightly. “Well, that’s a good thing.”

He frowns. “Martha?—”

“I’d like to have that shower now, if that’s okay? And probably go to bed. I’m tired,” I interrupt.

He scrutinizes me for so long, it’s clear he sees right through my false smile. After releasing a sigh, he tugs me close, presses a kiss on my forehead, and rises. “Shower then bed.”

I get up and head for the shower.