“And for coming between you and me.”
“You weren’t around before,” I remind him.
“Well, I am now, sweetheart. Names.”
I stare at him, struggling to believe he means it. “You’re being unreasonably possessive.”
He gently shakes me. “Because you are being unreasonably stubborn.”
For absolutely no reason, my lips twitch. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
He does something I never noticed before. Every time I come close to smiling, his eyes dart to my lips. Like he wants to watch it happen. Like he doesn’t want to miss my smile. “It does. Names. Addresses too if you have them. Start from A.”
My lip twitch turns into a smile. “Just how many names are you expecting me to list?”
His head descends, and his lips touch my smiling one before he breathes. “Do you know how long I’ve ached to taste one of your smiles?”
I tell myself not to lean in for more. A split second later, I do just that. “Smiles don’t taste of anything.”
He kisses me again. Slower. Sweeter. “Whoever said that doesn’t know a damn thing. Yours taste like ambrosia.”
I’m winding my arms around him to kiss him back when I remember the reason we’re out here and yank my head back. “Stop. You’re distracting me from my sister. She could be hurt.”
He doesn’t move. “Or she might be up a tree.”
It’s such a random thing to say that I blink at him. “What?”
His lack of concern about Clara doesn’t make sense until I track the finger he points up.
And there, sitting near the top of the next tree to us, is my beloved little sister, who I could cheerfully strangle. A split second after that, I realize if I’d bothered to use my nose the way Ty was using his, I’d have known why he stopped right here.
“Clara! What the hell are you doing up there?”
“Trying to get you and Ty together. I thought you two could have a little romance on the way to rescuing me.” She flashes me a grin. “Not that I need rescuing, but still.”
I stare at her. “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? I thought something had happened to you!”
She snorts as she starts climbing down the tree. “Didn’t stop you from having a bit of romance against the tree.”
My cheeks flame. “He was being unreasonable.”
“Unreasonably hot, more like,” she mutters as she descends.
Cheeks still burning, I swing my head toward Ty, who still has me pinned against the tree. “How did you know she was up there? You didn’t look up once.”
“I’m alert.” He shrugs.
“How long did you know she was up there?” I ask.
“Almost straight away,” he admits.
I stare at him. “And the reason you didn’t say?”
He flashes me a boyish grin. “You heard your sister. I wanted to have a bit of romance against a tree, and I didn’t want to disappoint her when she went to such lengths for it to happen.”
“You had nothing to do with this?” I ask, my suspicions mounting.
“Nope. But I was happy to take full advantage of it.” He leans down to kiss me.