Page 57 of Commander

“Let in the sound, Lolta.”

Lolta weaves her magic’s spell, and the outside sounds penetrate the chamber.

“King, king, king, king,” many voices chant.

“Is that a gathering?” I ask.

Claudette nods.

I look around the chamber, but nobody meets my eye. “How could you all not tell me? I trusted you.”

“It’s because you trust us that we wouldn’t tell you.”

I vault out of the chair. “I thought I was going for training with the commander, after which I thought I’d be forced to drink tea with the royal council.” I point toward the window. “Why are the people here?”

“Frederick called the crowd to witness his coronation.”

“Oh. I see. The good people of the Spring Court have gathered to watch the coronation of their new king. I am not a king!”

“Please stop shouting,” Claudette says.

“I’m angry that nobody told me anything.”

“Fear isn’t anger,” she corrects.

My breathing becomes erratic, and I sit back down, trying to calm myself. I manage to control my breathing. Once I do, I collect my dress and make for the exit.

Since the commander controls everything around me (including me), the doors open for me. Outside, I grab the door handle and feel his magic retreat from the object so I can slam the door hard.

That felt amazing.

As I make my way toward the throne room, I hope there are more doors.

Since I’ve not spent much time at the palace, I don’t recall the exact way to the room, but I find two more doors on the way there. Sadly, they’re guarded by the Summer guards, who all direct me toward their commander.

How very helpful of them.

During the final path to the throne room, I step on a red carpet, and if that’s not enough of a clue as to what the commander planned for me this morning, then Pavonos and Amartis dressed in the formal uniform of the Queen’s Blades waiting for me at the door of the throne room would’ve clued me in.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Your coronation.”

“This is…this is … It is too soon. I am not ready.”

“We know.”

“Then let’s wait a bit.” Five, ten, twenty turns, maybe.

“Frederick called the council, and he’s making a bid for the throne.”

“But we can’t let him?”

They shake their heads.

“So what will happen when both Frederick and I find ourselves inside the throne room?”

“You will assume the throne,” Amartis says.