Page 56 of Commander


“I want to speak with D’Artaron.”

“Right now?”

I nod.

“We have orders to bring you in for the coronation.”

Feeling a little betrayed, I look around the room. “You all knew?”

When they avoid my gaze, I have my answer. This angers me more. “I want to talk to him.”

“Chloe,” Claudette says, “please don’t be difficult.”

“I’m not trying to be difficult. I want to know what’s happening with me instead of it happening to me.”

“Let us handle this.”

“Us who? You and your husband? You and brother dearest? You and D’Artaron?” Candles flicker, and the sunlight hitting the floor through the window starts bending at awkward angles. I fist my hands, feeling the sigil D’Artaron and I share. “I deserve to know what’s going on.”

“I have orders, Chloe.”

“What are they?”

“Dress the queen for the coronation and bring her to the throne room.”

I start pacing. “The coronation seems too early. Frederick wouldn’t have agreed. He took over the throne. He staged the entire coup, for fate’s sake.”

“D’Artaron can be persuasive.”

“What about the council?” I ask.

“You will select a new council.”

“What happened to the old one?”

“I don’t know.”

“You know, but you won’t tell me.”

“I can’t tell you. You must remain in the dark.”


“Because you’re the queen.” Claudette approaches me and pecks me on the cheek, which just makes me feel even more like a kid. “D’Artaron will sort out your affairs in a manner not even kings can. But you must allow him free rein.” She clears her throat. “You must do what he asks.”

“What happened?”

“He took control of this court in a single span and a night, staged a coup on your behalf, and now he will put a crown on your head. So, please, Chloe, do what he says.”

“But he was here last night.”

Silence falls in the chambers, and I realize what I just said. “That came out wrong. He visited. Briefly, and we didn’t do anything.” I wave my hand. “Never mind what I said and you’re thinking. My point was that he didn’t mention anything. I feel duped.” A thought occurs to me. “Is Frederick alive?”

“Alive but indisposed. There’s more.”

“Okay, hold on.” I sit back down. “Go on now.” I’m feeling a bit faint. There’s pounding in my ears. When I was in the Winter Court, the fate who knows all that will come to pass foresaw my panic attack and delivered the paper bag the Summer king gave me. I wish she’d warned me about this. I also wish she’d left the paper bag.