Page 92 of Mr. Petrov

“We’re just having fun,” I lie. Though, I’ve been gushing about how wonderful he is. “Like I said, we haven’t figured any of it out.”

“Just be careful.” She pats my hands, wringing together in my lap. “I don’t want to see you hurt, not after all you’ve been through. He already lied once, no matter how much you romanticize it. He wasn’t honest.” I know she’s just being my friend and looking out for me.

I should be smart, but I know that right after this conversation, I’m going to go pack an overnight bag and spend the night with him. I’m addicted. I have to be around him.

“I know, Ari. But I know what I’m doing.”

I told myself I’d safeguard my heart, and that’s exactly what I intend on doing. Am I doing a good job of it so far? I can’t say that I am, to be honest.

She gives me a wary look. “Do you?”

I know she thinks I’m just falling for the Big Bad Khristian Petrov and all his charms. His money. His job and all the perks that go with it. But it’s not even about that. I can’t explain it.

Ariana is right. I am a romantic. I always have been. I’ve always wanted the fairytale.

Maybe that’s why I’m so taken with Khristian; he’s fun and exciting. Sexy. Demanding and yet giving at the same time. And he has this air of confidence about him that is oh, so attractive.

I give her a look as she leans in to give me a hug. “I think so.”

“Not very reassuring, Imi. You're in a Khristian love haze.”

I smile. “I am not!”

She snorts. “Well, just let me know if I need to get Lucas to cut his balls off.”

“I’m pretty sure we’re both okay where they’re currently hanging, but thanks for the offer.”

“What are friends for?”

We laugh and I feel like a weight has been lifted.

Two hours later

I lean back against Khristian and let the hot water soothe my aching body.

The jets are going and it feels amazing. He wraps his arms around me, talking to me in Russian as I sigh. I like it when he speaks to me in his native tongue, even though I have no idea what the hell he’s saying.

“Did you have enough to eat?” he asks. He’s always concerned about me. The white flags counteract the red ones at this point.

“Mmm, yes. Thank you.”

“Tell me something?”

My eyes flip open.

“Did you hear from your mom again lately?” he asks.

I swallow hard. “Yes. She called earlier today but I didn’t call her back.”

“Is she harassing you?”

“No, but my lawyer said not to talk to her until this is resolved with mediation.”

“I told my attorney about it.”

I still. “Khristian?”

“You need a better lawyer.”