Page 93 of Mr. Petrov

“Legal aid do just…”

“Legal aid?” he scoffs. “For fucks sake, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, and I’m thinking of just giving my mom the money.”

“But that money was left for you.”

“I don’t care about that. I don’t care about money like other people do.”

Silence hangs between us. “You could have used it to get yourself a new place,” he goes on. “Imogen, is your mom stopping you from moving on with your life?”

Yes. But I also don’t want to fight with her, or Anna.

“The thing is, my dad was a fair man. He loved her, even though she didn’t deserve it. He picked himself up off the ground when times were tough and rebuilt his business. He was the bravest man I’ve ever met.” I smile to myself, remembering the good times. “He gave all of us a fair share, but my mom is greedy. Like I said, we’re like chalk and cheese.”

“He loved you,” Khristian says, his voice gentle.

“He did. He was the father I looked up to in so many ways. He was the one I confided in when I couldn’t talk to my mom. He would read to me at night when I was scared of the dark, until I fell asleep. Cheer for me on the sidelines at soccer practice and let me win at chess. He always had a kind word to say about everyone. I miss him so much.”

Khristian’s arms tighten around me. “He sounds like he was a very decent man, Imogen.”

“He was.”

“As for your mom; I’m sorry people are so shitty, Krasavitsa. It hurts when it’s family.”

He moves the sponge over my body, down my arms as I revel in his hard body beneath me.

He makes me feel so protected.

“Yes, it does.” I take a breath, enjoying his ministrations. “Tell me something about you.”

He chuckles. “There isn’t much to tell, I’m afraid. I’m not nearly as notorious or flamboyant as the press like to make out.

“But there have been a lot of women.” It’s not a question. I’ve seen the photos. In every one, Khristian is with a gorgeous looking female. He never smiles though. In fact, one would think he’s pissed off. But that’s probably because he had a camera shoved in his face.

“I admit, there have been a few. I had a girlfriend for a few years, she was power hungry. We both worked too much, but make no mistake, she loved my money and what it bought her, but I never had a conversation like this in all the time we dated.”

“Which one was this? The supermodel?” I joke.

He squeezes my hips playfully and I laugh. “No. Her name was Claudia. I cared for her, but it was more a relationship of convenience. Unfortunately, we still run in the same circles and she may be in Paris at the same time as we are. I’m not looking forward to that.”

Jealousy runs through my veins. Claudia is beautiful. But then I remind myself it isn’t Claudia he’s in the tub with. It’s me.

He broke up with her for a reason.

“I take it that things didn’t end well?”

He squeezes water from the sponge over my stomach in such a gentle way, my thighs squeeze together.

“The split wasn’t amicable. I ended it. We were never going anywhere, both of us workaholics and neither willing to give up our time, which says a lot. She would’ve been fine with a trophy husband, let’s just put it that way.”

“Having that much money isn’t all rosy.”

He chuckles. “How so?”

“Well, not knowing if women really like you for you.”

“You liked me for me when you thought I was a cabana boy, right?”