“Then let’s have fun like normal people, Rory. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about it. I can’t wait,” he said in a low voice as he stepped around me, his arms making a sweeping motion like a ringmaster handing the arena over to the next show act.
I blinked up at him, feeling on the spot. Nevio was only three years older than me, but so often, I felt like a stupid little girl around him. A world of experience and darkness lay between us.
“We…” I looked around, and my eyes finally settled on the serene water surface. “We could go swimming.”
Amusement crossed Nevio’s face. “Do you hide a bathing suit beneath your dress?” He lowered his voice further, and a hint of condescension entered his tone. “Because I doubt you mean skinny-dipping.”
Swimming naked with Nevio? The mere thought made me flush and sweat. I’d often fantasized about this, but now that an option had presented itself, nervousness overcame me.
Nevio chuckled. “I’m joking, Rory. Don’t get your virginal cotton panties in a twist.”
Embarrassment and anger mingled in my body. “Someone could come in. We could swim in our underwear.” I gave a shrug as if it wasn’t a big deal. That was pretty much like being in a bathing suit, right?
Nevio raised one eyebrow and stepped back, beginning to unbutton his shirt, revealing a body that had featured in my darkest fantasies. Muscles and scars, so much strength. Nevio wasn’t just appearances, not like many posers and fitness models on social media. Every bit of muscle served a purpose. Impressing others was only the cherry on top. I knew because of the fight trainings I’d watched. So far, I hadn’t been allowed to see a real cage fight, though.
I pushed off my high heels. Then I reached for the zipper on the side of my dress. My belly flipped when I pulled it down and slipped the straps off my shoulders. Tugging at the dress, my strapless bralette, almost the same color as my dress and adorned with lace, came into view. I was glad I’d convinced Mom to go underwear shopping with me for the wedding because my underwear drawer had been filled with the aforementioned virginal white cotton panties. I’d have hated to confirm Nevio’s suspicions. I wanted to surprise him, to show him that I was more than tomboy Rory. I was a woman who knew what she wanted, even if she had trouble showing it in a non-embarrassing way.
Nevio watched me as he opened his belt. I hoped he couldn’t see my fingers shaking as I pulled down my dress the rest of the way, revealing the teal-colored floral lace panties. The lace wasn’t really sheer, but suddenly, I was worried about how much Nevio would be able to see of me. Did my pubic hair shine through? I’d trimmed it and it was dark blond, so maybe it wouldn’t.
I straightened even as my body flooded with heat and the desire to bolt. Nevio was already only in tight black boxer trunks. I motioned at the pool, hoping my skin wasn’t as red as it felt. “Ready to jump in?” My voice sounded strange to my own ears, a little rough and scratchy.
Nevio came up to me, and I wasn’t sure what to do with my arms. I crossed them loosely over my belly, completely overwhelmed by the situation. Why was I acting like this? I’d been in a pool with Nevio countless times before. My bathing suit didn’t really cover much more. But it had been different. We’d never been alone, and underwear just held a different level of intimacy.
Nevio dove into the pool headfirst in perfect form, barely stirring up the calm surface. I stepped closer to the edge, shivering when my toes touched the water. It was colder than expected, and immediately my skin pimpled. I scanned the elegant pool landscape with the white stone columns and view over New York.
Nevio’s head emerged from the water, and he tossed it back, sending droplets of water flying. A few wet, black strands fell into his face. His dark eyes took me in, and I wished I knew what was going through his head. “Your body will get used to the cold.”
I sank down on the edge and pushed my legs up to my knees into the water. I was a warm water kind of girl. No cold showers or ice baths for me.
Nevio swam over to me, and I braced myself, worried he’d pull me in. Instead, he grabbed the edge and pushed himself up, catching me completely off guard. “I was really considering killing off some Famiglia asshole when you found me. As always, Rory, you make your name proud, bringer of light in the dark.” His biceps flexed as he pushed himself higher until his face was level with mine. My heart stopped, only to pound harder a moment later. Rivulets of water ran down his forehead and cheeks, over the curve of his smirking mouth. Would he kiss me?
But his lips passed my nose, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. He exhaled before he dropped back into the water with a splash. Cold droplets hit my face. They didn’t help with the heat in my cheeks.
A kiss on the forehead.
I wanted to scream in utter frustration. And bringer of light? I knew Dad also saw me as inherently good, a light in their dark world, which was why he and Mom had picked my name, but I didn’t like to be seen like that. It put a massive burden on my shoulders to live up to their expectations.
“I didn’t know we were having a water party,” Alessio said.
My head swiveled around to where he stood in the doorway. His eyes met mine, and he raised an eyebrow. I pushed off the edge and lowered myself into the water. I needed to cool down. If it hadn’t ruined my hair, I would have dunked my head too, but that would be difficult to explain to my parents.
“What happened to you?” Nevio asked, swimming over to the spot where Alessio stopped near the pool’s edge.
I hadn’t noticed before, but Nevio had a point. Alessio looked ruffled. His dark-blond hair was all over the place. His shirt buttoned the wrong way, with a few missing buttons. And his fly was open. He hadn’t looked that way when we’d danced.
“Uhh,” I began, but Nevio was quicker. “Don’t release the kraken on us, all right?”
Alessio looked down his body but didn’t seem the slightest bit embarrassed about his predicament. He gave Nevio a pointed look. “As long as you keep your kraken in check, we should be fine.” He popped open the button, then kicked down his pants and got out of his shirt before he too jumped into the pool, not bothering to be careful.
Water flew everywhere and barely missed my hair. I’d definitely get in trouble with my parents tonight. I could feel it. Though maybe I could say it was my way to keep the wedding peaceful. Nobody could argue that a wedding without Nevio and Alessio was far likely to escalate.
The guys exchanged a look that made it clear whatever had happened to Alessio wouldn’t be discussed with me around.
I swam toward the closest ladder.
“Where are you going?” Nevio asked.
“I should probably return to the party. Mom and Dad will wonder where I am. I don’t want to get in trouble.”