I climbed out, grabbed my dress from the floor, and quickly rushed into the changing room. I locked myself in, then let out a shuddering breath. A kiss on the forehead, as if I was ten. I was almost eighteen, but Nevio treated me like his little sister. God, did he really see me as his kid sister? I closed my eyes. Taking a shuddering breath, I opened my bra. It was too wet. There was no way I could wear it under my dress. The fabric of my dress fell in ripples over my chest, so it shouldn’t be too obvious that I wasn’t wearing anything beneath.

I got out of my panties too but wrung them out, then put them back on even if the sensation of the cold, damp material was awful. I simply couldn’t imagine returning to the wedding without panties. The material clung to me in an uncomfortable way, but I still put on my dress.

When I stepped out of the changing room, Nevio was waiting in front of it. I touched my heart.

“You’re dripping,” he said, his eyes on the floor.

I followed his gaze. Indeed, a few droplets of water gathered at my feet. The panties were still too wet.

“Your dress will be soaked as soon as you sit down.”

I cringed. That would look as if I’d peed myself. Nevio stepped up to me. “Just get out of your panties. Nobody will know. Your dress is long. It would look suspicious if you dripped water all over the floor under your dress.”

I stepped back into the changing room and got out of my panties as well, then returned with my bra and panties in hand to Nevio. I had left my purse at the table, so there was nowhere I could put my underwear.

“Here, let me take this from you. I can get rid of them later.”

Nevio took my bra and panties from me, catching me off guard.

I swallowed, unable to get past the fact that Nevio was holding my panties. Again, I had dreamed of that moment several times, but never like this. Not even close. A hysteric laugh crowded in my throat.

Alessio appeared beside us at that moment. I knew he interrupted us on purpose. What was it with his savior complex? Since when was he so concerned about me being around Nevio?

He glanced at my underwear in Nevio’s hand and then at my face. “You realize how your father would react if he saw Nevio with your underwear.”

“Dad doesn’t know what kind of underwear I own,” I muttered, annoyed.

Nevio gave me a wink before he walked back to the pool with my underwear.

“You’re very bad at following advice,” Alessio murmured in my ear.

Nevio regarded us with narrowed eyes as he sank down on the edge of the pool and put my underwear on the floor beside him.

“I’m only bad at following bad advice.”

I quickly left the pool area, and after catching my breath in the hallway for a moment, I decided to return to the party. When I entered the ballroom where the festivities took place, I felt on the spot, even if nobody paid me close attention. Just the knowledge that I wasn’t wearing underwear was enough to turn me into a jumpy mess.

I hurried to our table and sank beside Isabella, who scribbled in a small notebook but stashed it in her purse when she noticed me. “You look flustered,” she said curiously.

“So do you.” Her cheeks were flushed, and her freckles stood out more than usual, plus her hair was no longer in an updo.

We stared at each other for a few heartbeats before we both nonverbally decided to change the topic and switched to my plans of working as a nurse.

We obviously both had secrets we didn’t want to share.

“I hope you’re not thinking about keeping that,” Alessio said with a nod toward Rory’s underwear as he strode toward me.

“For someone who looks like he had a wedding fuck, you’re terribly ill-tempered.”

“And for someone who sees Rory as an almost sister, you’re awfully interested in her panties.”

“For someone who pretends to see her the same way, you’re awfully invested in her possible sex life.” I pushed to my feet and looked him straight in the eye. “Maybe your concern stems from a carnal desire, my friend.”

Alessio laughed. “Don’t turn this on me. We both know I don’t see Rory that way.”

“Me neither,” I said with a shrug.

“You used to be a better liar. You need to work on that before you become Capo.”