Of all the nights to be late.

Kierra: No worries. Text me when you’re on the way home so that I can make sure your dinner is ready.

Chapter Sixteen


I scrubbed my face, taking a reprieve from the computer screen and simultaneously trying to keep myself awake. I decided to stay at the office after hours to catch up on work I didn’t get to when Eliza took it upon herself to pick the kids up from school. I could’ve gone home at my normal quitting time, but working from home was no longer an option. My kids’ nanny was too much of a distraction. I’d be too distracted to work, wanting nothing more than to curl up on the couch with her and a pint of ice cream.

“Get it together, Jon. It can’t happen.”

My cell phone vibrated across my desk.



“Tell me about her.”

“Tell you about who?” I asked, confused by her unusual opening question.

“Tell me about the woman who’s keeping you out all night.”

I snorted. “You sound jealous, but I can assure you there’s no reason to be.”

“Yeah? And what if I said I was?”

“Then I’d say you wouldn’t have to be because she doesn’t wear leather pants and ride motorcycles,” I remarked candidly.

“She sounds dull, Jonathan.”

“No duller than someone who spends their evenings watching predictable British murder mystery shows.”

“This isn’t what you want to do, Jon,” Kierra warned with a slight edge in her tone.

If only she knew the things I wanted to do to her….

“Perhaps you’re right,” I remarked, checking the time on my watch. “I’m assuming you’re calling to let me say goodnight to the kids.”

“You got it, but Grant and Kiyah are the only ones still awake; the other two conked out after our jam session.”

“Jam session, huh?”

“That’s right. I introduced them to something other than Metallica.”

“Hmmm, let me guess…Black Sabbath?”

“That…that’s a little heavy before bedtime. We listened to Van Halen instead.”

“Decent choice.”

“Ms. Kierra, I’m tired, and you’re hogging the phone,” Grant informed.

“Oops, my bad,” she laughed before assumingly handing the phone to my eldest.

“Goodnight, Dad.”

Before I could respond, Kiyah’s bubbly voice filled the phone.