“It’s in our job description, but seriously, what’s Jonathan’s favorite meal?”

The line goes silent for a second.

“Jonathan’s favorite meal? Why do you want to know that? Are you trying to seduce him or something?”

“Speaker! You’re on speaker, and little ones are in the car.”

“Oops. My bad.”

“And for your information, it’s just a thank you dinner to show him I appreciate everything he’s done for me.”

“Right,” Anthony drawled, not believing a single word out of my mouth. “Jonathan enjoys a good, juicy steak with all the fixings.”

“Perfect. Thank you for your assistance.”

“Happy to help,” he chirped. “Anything else?”

“Uh, yes, there’s one more thing. I know you’re busy, but do you have some time soon to help me with my finances? Simone says you’re a wiz when it comes to investments, and I’d love to set up an appointment with you.”

“I’d be happy to. Are you available on Saturday morning?”


“Okay, swing by after breakfast, and we’ll have a consultation. Text me your email address, and I’ll forward an email of some things you might want to bring with you.”

“Sounds like a plan. Thanks again, Anthony.”

“It’s my pleasure. See you later,” he said before disconnecting.

“Mommy, I want something from the store!” Kiyah announced loudly from the backseat.

“Me too!” Daisy co-signed.

I parked in the first available spot I could find and turned to face the girls.

“Will you two behave?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied in unison.

“Then you can get something, but only if you pick something for Grant and Casey, too.”

I checked my watch.

I have plenty of time to shop and then some.

Despite Jonathan reassuring me that I had done nothing wrong, I still felt guilty for not being as early as I should’ve been to pick up the boys.Maybe I would’ve intercepted them before Eliza did….

* * *

I licked my lips as I pulled the marinated steaks out of the refrigerator. I was ready to throw them into a cast iron skillet with butter, garlic, rosemary, and a little truffle, but I had to time everything perfectly.

The afternoon flew by and melted into evening after I picked the boys up. We enjoyed a snack of apples, pretzels, and cheese in the backyard, and the kids ran around for an hour before homework time, dinner, and baths. They now lay on the living room floor, completely entranced byPaw Patrol.

My phone pinged.

Jonathan: Sorry. Running late tonight. ETA 9:00 PM.

I rolled my eyes and replaced the meat in the refrigerator.