“Fantastic. This little girl is trying her hardest to drain my phone battery watching YouTube. Bring coffee.”

“Don’t y’all have coffee at the office?”

“We do, but we don’t have coffeeandbanana nut bread.”

“Gotcha. I’ll see you soon.”

“Oh, and one more thing, Jonathan’s not in a pleasant mood. I’ll see you soon,” Cara chirped before disconnecting.

“Oh, I’m super fucked.”

“Mommy!” Kiyah chastised, coming down the stairs.

“I’m sorry!”

* * *

I turned and looked at Kiyah in the backseat. “Do you still have the cake pop for Daisy?” Guilt was written all over my daughter’s face. “You ate both of them, didn’t you?”

“I…I…thought they were both for me?”

“Are you lying, Kiyah?”

“A little,” she whispered.

“Good thing I have extras,” I said, holding a bag. I nearly laughed when Kiyah let out a tiny ‘phew.’ “Kiyah?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“You’re gonna lose some screen time this afternoon for lying and not sharing.”


“No, buts. No tablet today. Do you understand?”

She nodded as fat tears crested her lids. “Please dry up those tears before we get into Mr. Jonathan’s office.”

We sat in the parking lot for an additional five minutes until Kiyah calmed herself. “I’m sorry, Mommy.”

“It’s okay. I forgive you. We’ll try to be what?”

“Be better tomorrow.”

“That’s right. Let’s go.”

I assisted Kiyah out of the SUV and was greeted by Cara’s warm smile moments later.

“You’re here. Thank God. I think my sugars were getting low.”

“Uh-huh,” I responded skeptically, knowing she was doing the most. “Where’s Daisy?” I asked, setting her morning treat on her desk.

“Boss man took her once he was done with his meeting. Good morning, Kiyah. You look adorable in your little biker outfit. I’m loving the vest and the boots.”

“Thank you, Ms. Cara,” Kiyah commented politely.

“Cara? What’s the point of having Messenger if you’re not going to check it?” I heard Jonathan bellow as he stormed down the hall that would lead him to the reception area.

“I told you he wasn’t pleasant this morning,” Cara whispered before he materialized with Daisy in his arms. He paused and stared at me for longer than I thought socially acceptable.