Almost as if he was checking me out…. Truthfully, I don’t give a damn. As long as I can keep my job. Do you want me to do a spin, Mr. Baker? Ugh, I’m too much.

“Good morning.”

“Morning…we need to talk. Please join me in my office. Cara…do you mind?”

“I do mind unless you’re letting me out an hour early.”

“Fine. You can leave at 3:00.”

“Wonderful. Please leave the little Blessings from God with me.”

“Be good, Kiyah,” I warned.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“After you,” Jonathan suggested. I walked down the hallway towards his office, and curiosity convinced me to look over my shoulder.

Just as I thought….

“Are you looking at my ass?”

“W-w-what? Noooooo.”

“For a lawyer, you lie horribly,” I teased. He smiled boyishly, showing off a dimple that added to his nerdy Clark Kent appeal.

“As a lawyer, I don’t lie; I just give a different perspective. Have a seat,” he said before taking his own and steeping his fingers. I sat across from him, feeling like a kid called to the principal’s office. “So…last night was rough. The boys were M.I.A, Eliza was batshit crazy as usual, fists flew, and I woke up at 3:00 in the morning believing that the worst happened to you and Kiyah.”


He held up his hand and waved me off. “Let me finish, please. I can’t stress enough that you can’t leave like that in the middle of the night without informing me. I’m not saying this to be controlling, but for safety reasons. Something could’ve happened to you and Kiyah, and I would’ve been none the wiser.”

“I didn’t want to wake you,” I rushed out.

“Kierra, I’d much rather you wake me up at 3:00 in the morning and see you safely return a few hours later than be woken out of my sleep by a police officer telling me the two of you have been involved in an accident. I care about you and Kiyah.”

My eyes met his grassy eyes that were free from the barrier of his glasses. I could tell he was being sincere, and his sincerity made my stomach tighten in knots.

“I…thank you. It won’t happen again. And I’m sorry for not being up this morning to get the kids ready for school.”

He waved me off again. “Don’t worry about it. You needed your rest.”

“While I appreciate it, this isn’t right, Jonathan. You shouldn’t be getting the kids ready in the morning and taking Daisy to work with you. You have to let me do my job, or I’ll feel like I’m taking advantage.”

“I hope that moocher comment from Eliza didn’t go to your head.”

I shook my head. “No, it didn’t. It’s the principle of the matter. You pay me generously, and—”

I trailed off when I noticed Jonathan glaring at his computer screen. The sounds of instant messages popping up filled the silence in the room.

“What’s going on?”

“Walter Burgess from Vance Oil is here.”

Ice sluiced through my veins, and I shivered at the thought of the man. “He’s here now?” My stomach started turning at just the thought of interacting with him again. Mr. Burgess was…sleazy.

“He wants to discuss the summons he received, and I think you should be present for it. Are you okay with that? I know it’s last minute—”

“I’m okay. Let’s do it.”