Turning, she stared up at him, her heart racing. She rubbed her chest, trying to ease the uncomfortable feeling.

“Oh my God. You scared me to death.”

Yeah, and you overreacted.

She was still wound up from what had happened with her boss earlier.


The room spun for a moment.

Urgh. What the hell was wrong with her?

“Isa? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump like that.”

He eyed her for a long moment. “You were frowning at that bag of cookies like it had gravely offended you.”

“It’s so high! They should make things on supermarket shelves accessible to everyone. Not just those that are elevation-endowed.”

“Elevation-endowed?” he asked, his lips twitching. “As opposed to height-restricted?”

“Hey!” She dug her finger into his chest. “No short jokes. Or I’ll beat your butt.”

“I believe that’s my job, Princess.”

“Huh, you wish.”

Wow, lame comeback, Isa.

He crossed his arms over his chest, grinning down at her. “Ask me nicely and I’ll get you the cookies.”

“Maybe I don’t want to ask you nicely.”

“Then, no cookies for you.”

She gasped dramatically, falling against the shelves behind her. “No cookies? That’s. So. Mean. I think I have rights here.”

“The right to eat cookies?” He raised an eyebrow.


“Not sure that’s a thing. But since you’re so cute, I’ll let you have the cookies.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “Is there a but? There’s always a but.”

“Hmm, is it a red butt? Because then it would be yours.”

She pointed at him. “I see what you did there and I do not like it.”

Remy just grinned. He had a gorgeous smile and she hadn’t seen him smile much. In fact, she couldn’t remember ever seeing him smile at anyone except . . . except for her.

“Have you got your car back, baby?” he asked.

“Oh, no. Hopefully, next Wednesday.”

“And are you feeling all right about driving it?”