
She shrugged.

“Uh-uh, shrugging isn’t an answer. Yes or no.”

She sighed. “I don’t know. I feel a bit nervous. But that’s silly, nothing is going to happen.”

He frowned. “It’s all right to be afraid.”

Um. No it wasn’t. Being afraid was for wimps.

Wait. Nope. That was her dad talking. Urgh.

She wiped that thought from her head and looked up longingly at the whoopie pie cookies. These were the best cookies in the world.

“All I want is a bit of whoopie,” she muttered.

He nearly choked. “What?”

“Um, oh . . . I . . . shit. Did I say that out loud?” She felt her cheeks growing hot.

“You did. There seems to be a theme. First, you told me you needed to get off and now you want some whoopee?”

Dear. Lord.

Would the ground just open up and swallow her? Please?

“Whoopie pie! I want Whoopie Pie!” She stomped her foot for emphasis because everyone knew that you really, really meant what you said when you added a foot stomp.

Although she did wish she’d said that a bit quieter.

Remy placed a hand on the shelf above her head and leaned into her. “Little girl, sounds to me like you’re throwing a tantrum. That would be naughty, though, wouldn’t it? It would probably lead to you getting your bottom spanked. Right here in the middle of the grocery store.”

Holy crap.

She didn’t know whether he was serious or not . . . surely he wasn’t.

Yeah? And why are you feeling curious right now instead of horrified?

“I don’t want my butt spanked.”

“Then best you remember your manners.” He gave her a stern look.

God, she wanted to let her Little side slip free. Sometimes it was so hard to control herself. With Loki, she could sort of her let her out. But she was always aware that she didn’t want to weird him out.

Although Loki was generally pretty accepting of everyone and everything.

“Can I please have the cookies?” she asked. “Pretty please with rainbows and sprinkles? Please, your royal towering tower of tallness?”

“That’s better.” Reaching up, he grabbed the cookies.

Damn. He did that with such ease.

She wasn’t jealous.

Nope. Not her.

“Here you are, baby. Oh, wait . . .” He held them up above his head.