“Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

Isa grabbed a gun and loaded it before hiding behind some of Loki’s equipment to wait for her opportunity.

That’s when she heard another voice.

“Loki! Loki! Come out of there you motherfucker and face me like a man!”

Oh, fuck.

Gary was here.

Trust him to make a bad situation worse.

* * *

Remy pulledinto the driveway of their house.

Fuck. After years of moving around, it felt so good to have a place he could call home.

And it wasn’t the building. It was the people in it.

His people.

He hadn’t wasted time getting home after he’d gotten a text from Loki saying he was on a tracking job. Remy still didn’t like to leave their girl home alone.

As he turned into the driveway, his heart jumped as he saw the asshole standing in the driveway.

What. The. Fuck.

He quickly grabbed his phone and called it in to the sheriff’s office. He was assured someone was on their way. He drove right up next to Gary. If this bastard had scared Isa, he was going to fucking murder him.

There was the sound of a gunshot and Gary screamed. Remy ducked. At first, he thought Gary had a gun. But then he saw the other man lying on the driveway, bleeding.

Fuck! Someone shot him. Remy didn’t think, he just dove out of the truck and grabbed Gary, pulling him behind it.

“Loki shot me!”

“Loki didn’t shoot you, you fucking dick. He’s not here.”

Isa was, though. Not that he thought she’d shot him. But where was she? And who was shooting?

“It hurts! Save me!”

“Shut up, you dick. If you’d just done what I said and stayed the fuck away, you wouldn’t have been shot.”

What happened to him was all his own fault.

“Leave!” a female voice yelled. “Go away! I don’t want you two! I want her! The one who was trying to steal my husband.”

Steal her husband? She had to be talking about Isa. But who was her husband?

Fuck. Was this Shawn’s wife? Isa had never met her, but she’d mentioned seeing her.

“Isa wasn’t stealing your husband,” he called back as calmly as he could.

Fuck this bitch.

Where was his girl?