Urgh, he should just let Gary bleed to death. It was only a shoulder wound, so he’d likely be all right until the police got here. Remy got his phone out and sent a text to Ed.

Yeah. He now had the sheriff’s personal phone number.

“He’s mine!” she screamed, firing the gun at them again.

Remy took off his jacket, then his shirt, bundling it up to put it on Gary’s wound.

“Hold that!” he commanded.

“What? Wait! You can’t leave me!” Gary grabbed hold of him.

“I need to find Isa.” He shoved Gary’s hand away. Shit. He peered around the truck, but the woman let off another shot.

“Isa! I have one of your men! I’m going to shoot him unless you come out here.”

Relief flooded him as he realized the other woman can’t have hurt Isa yet.

“Isa, don’t you fucking dare! That’s an order. You stay hidden, baby.” He sent a quick SOS to Loki.

“Come out now!” the woman screeched. “Or I’m going to kill him!”

“Isabelle, you stay hidden!” he yelled back.

The woman let out an unearthly scream. Then she fired her gun again just as he heard the sirens.

“No! You leave Remy alone!” Isa yelled.

“Isabelle! Stay back!” he roared. And then he saw her at the same time the other woman did.

The woman raised her gun! Remy started running but he knew he was going to be too late!

“Isabelle! No!”


Loki raced home.

Thankfully, the hikers had been found so he’d turned around to come home before he’d gotten the text from Remy.

Fucking hell.

Someone was shooting at Isa? Rage and fear filled him as he pulled up his driveway.

There were three cop cars and two ambulances. But he couldn’t see Isa or Remy.

Jumping from the truck, he rushed forward, ignoring Steven who yelled out at him. He raced to the ambulance, where someone on a stretcher was getting placed in the back.

“Isa!” he screamed, coming to a stop when he saw Gary’s face looking up at him. “Gary?”

“Loki!” Steven caught up with him.

“This is your fault, Loki. I’m going to sue,” Gary said faintly.

“Oh, shut the fuck up, Gary,” Steven sneered. “You were here to cause trouble. You deserved to get shot.”

The other ambulance pulled away, lights flashing. His stomach dropped. “Who was in that ambulance?”

“Her name is Gloria Reynolds.”