Then Loki shifted her around so she was sitting sideways on his lap. Remy handed him a baby bottle and Loki leaned her back before nudging her thumb out of her mouth.

He slid the nipple between her lips and she sighed with happiness, content. Treasured. Protected.

* * *

“Daddy! Do you want pancakes?”

“Sure, baby girl. With whipped cream. No syrup.”

She turned to look at Remy, aghast. They’d been in her playroom for most of the morning playing. She was now cooking him ‘breakfast’ in her play kitchen.

Loki was already eating his toast with sprinkles. She was going to have to try that. Although the look that Remy had sent her told her that it wouldn’t be a regular thing.

“No syrup?” she said. “That’s gross, Daddy!”

“How is it gross?” he asked.

“Well, maybe not gross but it ought to be illegal.”

Loki snorted, but nodded in agreement. “Yep.”

“Just make my breakfast, brat,” Remy told her.

She shuffled over with his breakfast. She now had the cutest set of wooden food. She had to press her legs together as her bladder protested the fact that they’d been making her drink regularly today and she hadn’t peed in a while.

“Are you all right, Tink?” Loki asked, watching her closely.

“Uh-huh.” She held out her hand to Remy. “That’s twenty-five bucks, Daddy!”

“It is?” Remy looked at her.

“Pay up.”

He lightly slapped her hand with his. “There you are.”

She stared down at her empty hand. “Um, Daddy. There’s nothing there.”

“It’s pretend money.”

She gasped so hard that she nearly fell backward. “Daddy! You can’t give pretend money. I slaved over your breakfast. That’s so mean.”

Remy grinned at her. He looked so much more relaxed in here with her.

Loki too. Although he appeared tired, he was happy.

“Yeah, Daddy. Pay up.” Loki’s eyes twinkled as he glanced over at Remy.

She giggled, then quietly groaned. She had to pee.

“Baby girl? What is it? Aren’t you feeling well?” Remy asked with concern.

“Gots to pee! Gots to pee! Urgent!”

Remy scooped her up and raced her out of the room to the toilet. He set her down in front of the toilet and reached under her dress to pull her training pants down.

Normally, that might have been embarrassing.

But all she felt was relief as she sat back on the toilet and let go. Then it hit her.