She was peeing in front of Remy.

With a groan, she shoved her face into her hands.

“What is it? Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I’m peeing in front of you!” she wailed.

“Look at me. Look at me,” he repeated more firmly.

She removed her hands, her face bright red. “Do you think I care? If I did, don’t you think I would have left the bathroom? Baby girl, when I say I wanted full control, I meant it. I’m here because I want to be. And you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Although I now realize that unless you’re willing to let me diaper you, I have to take you to the bathroom more often.”

“Not . . . not yet,” she whispered.

But she might be willing to try one day. For him.

“Good girl.” He kissed her. While she sat on the toilet.

Nothing worried him, did it?

* * *

Remy studiedhow much she’d eaten for lunch.

Sure enough, food had been delivered to their doorstep about an hour ago. It never ceased to amaze him what Loki did for this town.

And what they did for him.

She wasn’t eating enough and it worried him. She yawned again for the fourth time in the last five minutes.

“Bottle?” Loki asked quietly, also looking concerned.

He nodded and stood with her in his arms. “Come on, baby girl. Potty, bottle, then naptime.”

“Nooo,” she grumbled. Although he wasn’t sure what she was protesting.

It didn’t matter. He put her down on the toilet and then helped her clean up before carrying her to the playroom. Placing her on the changing table, he stripped off her clothing, leaving just the training pants on.

Loki entered with a full bottle and pulled a face at Isa, making her giggle.

“Can you watch her while I get a onesie?” he asked. What an idiot. He should have gotten it first. He couldn’t let her lie unsupervised on a changing table to grab one.

“Sure.” Loki kept pulling faces while Isa giggled.

At least she sounded happier than she’d looked ten minutes ago. Fuck. He was so worried about her, he was going to give himself an ulcer.

Coming back with a onesie, Remy dressed her and then carried her to the rocking chair. Cradling her in his lap, he fed her the bottle.

From now on, he was going to take good care of her.

Loki cleared his throat as he sat on the floor across from him. “We have a spare bedroom.”

Remy frowned. He knew that. Where was he going with this?

“Seems stupid for you to only come over on the weekends when that bedroom is there. I mean, the commute might be a bit of a hassle, but it’s not like there’s traffic . . .”

Finally, he clicked onto what the other man was saying. “Are you asking me to move in?”

“Um, yeah. I am. So?” Loki almost glared at him, as though he expected him to say no.