Shit! What had she done?

“What is it? What did you do, Tink?”

“I banged my finger.” She held the finger up and it did look red.

“Poor Tinkerbelle.” Loki took gentle hold of her hand, touching her finger. “Can you wiggle it?”

“I d-don’ts know.” Her lower lip trembled and Remy wanted to do whatever was necessary to stop her from being sad.

“Try for Ki-Ki.”


She wiggled it back and forth.

“What did you hit it with?” Loki asked, moving to the basket of food.

He pulled out a First-Aid kit.

Huh. That was smart thinking. Loki pulled out an ice pack and cracked it to activate it.

“My h-hammer.”

Loki frowned down at her. “Isabelle, you’re not supposed to use your tools without supervision.”

“You said I could make whatever I wanted for the treehouse!”

“I thought you were going to draw a picture or something,” Loki told her as he applied the ice pack to her finger.

“I wanted to build a kitchen.”

“If you want a kitchen, I’ll build it,” Loki said firmly.

“Sorry.” She sniffled sadly. “Do you think you’ll have to chop it off?”

“I don’t know,” Loki replied. “It’s close.”

Isa nodded. “I thought so.”

“But you are being very brave, so I might be able to save it.”

“Good.” She heaved out a sigh of relief.

“But you’re still in trouble for using your hammer without supervision.”

Loki watchedIsa for any signs she was alarmed or horrified by his words. Her mouth dropped open and she looked slightly confused.

However, she didn’t look worried.

She trusts you.

And he’d never abuse that trust.

“In trouble? But I hurt myself.” She held up her finger.

“She still hasn’t been given her punishment for running off last night, either,” Remy said, leaning against the trunk of the tree. “We could possibly combine them. Twenty-five lines saying she will remember to wear a jacket when it’s cold outside. Another twenty-five lines saying she won’t use her tools without supervision.”

“Nooo.” Isa gave Loki a pleading look.