He’d normally fall for it. But he’d done some research on how to be a good Daddy Dom. And he had to follow through when a punishment was promised.

“And don’t forget the corner time,” Loki added.

“Thank you for reminding me,” Remy said.

She stomped her foot. “This isn’t fair.”

Loki tilted her head back and kissed her nose. “We don’t want you to get hurt, Tink. We just want to keep you safe.”

She sighed. “Now you sound all reasonable.”

Remy grinned and came over to kiss the top of her head. “I think we should head back to the house. Get the lines and corner time done, then some lunch before we head out.”

She pressed her hands together, wincing as the ice pack fell off.

“Oops. Sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be anxious about, Tink,” he soothed as he grabbed the ice pack.

“I know.”

“We don’t have to go today,” Remy said with a frown. “In fact, you look a bit pale. Maybe we should put you down for a nap instead.”

“No nap!” Isa said quickly. “I’m fine.”

Hmm. She did seem tired, though. Maybe an early night would be a good idea.

They packed up and headed back. Isa tripped half way home and Remy grabbed her.

“Careful, baby girl,” he warned. “We don’t want you getting any more owies.”

“That silly tree root has it in for me.” She pointed two fingers at her eyes then down at the branch in question.

Remy was grinning as he held her on his hip. She blushed, burying her face in his chest.

Satisfaction filled Loki.

This might not be a relationship that everyone would understand.

But fuck them.

Since when had he cared what others thought?

As he followed them a sharp, loud noise punched the air.


Another. Followed by another.

Insurgents! They were here. The world around him faded and he was back there.

Men yelling!

Screaming! Dying!

His men. His friends. He had to help them.

Fight your way to them!