Dear Lord.

Why? Why was he trying to kill her?

It. Was. So. Mean.

Loki put the Ben Wa balls away and drew out something that looked like a lip gloss, except slightly bigger. And it had a power button on the bottom. He turned it on and it vibrated in the palm of his hand.

“Oh yeah. This is nice. I could carry this around and then when you’re being extra sassy, I’ll slip it into your panties, slide it between your lips right next to your clit. Make you sit there with it buzzing away.”

“How did I not know how mean you are?”

He smirked. “Just you wait, Tink. I’ve got several wicked ideas and an inkling to do some shopping.” He clicked his fingers. “We need to visit Aunt Marie’s store.”

What? No! They didn’t need to do that.

Aunt Marie had a shop in her barn. She catered mainly for Littles, but she had a whole area dedicated to sex toys too.

And Loki loved to spend his money locally.

So she was in deep trouble.

“We really don’t need to. I don’t need anything.”

“Ahh, but you do,” Loki replied. “And you being mine means I now get to spoil you.”

“You already do.”

“Nope. Not enough.”

She threw her hands up in the air. “You bought me a car for my birthday! How is that not spoiling me?”

“The car you were driving was unacceptable.”

“Unsafe?” Remy asked.

“Definitely. It was on its last legs. The heating crapped out and it would have cost more to fix than it was worth.”

“Good call,” Remy said.

Jeez Louise.

The two of them were nuts.

But the best kind of nuts.

“Where were we? Ahh, well, what do we have here?” Loki drew out a small anal plug.

Oh heck.

She’d forgotten that was in there. Her hands went to her cheeks, trying to cool them down.

“Anal plug,” Remy murmured. “That could come in handy.”

What? No!

Remy took it from Loki.

“You’re not using that on me, are you?” she asked.