She didn’t understand what he was saying. But then she realized his words weren’t directed at her . . . but at the man still cupping her breasts.

As Loki bent down, his hands on her hips, Remy offered up her breasts to him. He licked his tongue across her right nipple, then her left. And then his mouth surrounded her nipple, sucking strongly.

Oh hell.

It was like her nipple had a direct path to her clit. Everything he did to her had echoes of pleasure in her pussy.

More. More.

“Please,” she cried.

Loki drew back, smiling up at her. It was a wicked sort of grin. One that promised torturous pleasure. He moved to her other nipple, but only sucked on it lightly before standing.

“Nooo,” she cried. “I need more.”

“I don’t know if naughty girls get to come,” Loki murmured. “Do they, Remy?”

“Hmm. That’s a good point. She hasn’t been punished yet.”

“Nooo! No fair. You said lines and corner time,” she said with a pout. “Nothing about not being able to come.”

“We did say that,” Loki said.

Oh, thank God.

“But she could be edged a bit,” Remy added. “Since she won’t be getting her punishment until tomorrow.”

She wouldn’t?

“Let’s see what else is in this bag,” Loki said, reaching into it again. This time he drew out a small velvet bag. “What’s in here?”

She knew what was in there. And they really didn’t need to see them.

“It’s nothing,” she said quickly. But she should have known Loki wouldn’t stop. He drew out some lavender-colored balls that were connected with a thin string.

“Ben Wa balls, nice,” Remy said. “Have you used them, baby girl?”

“N-no,” she stuttered.

“Now, that’s a shame. All these presents and you haven’t worn them.” Loki shook his head in mock-disappointment.

“Might come in handy for disciplining her tomorrow,” Remy said.

“Good thinking.”

What? Nooo. The two of them were ganging up on her again and it really wasn’t fair.

“I think I should get a say,” she huffed, folding her arms over her chest.

Loki raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want the Ben Wa balls? They’re a hard limit?”

Well, no.


“No, they’re not.”

“Good girl for telling the truth,” Remy murmured to her, running his hands over her stomach. “Such a good girl to try new things for your Daddies.”