“What? You don’t believe me? Wanna see?”

“Noo!” she cried, putting her hands over her eyes.

“Wait. I think I’m insulted.”

She dropped her hands, looking chagrined. But he couldn’t keep his shit-eating grin off his face.

“You’re so rude.” She put her hands on her hips.

“And you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Now, get over my lap so I can spank your naughty ass.”

Her eyes widened, but she let him draw her down over his lap. He sat there for a moment, just taking her in.

“Take down her pajama pants,” Remy said in a low voice.

Loki might have been annoyed at the order, if it wasn’t for the way that Remy was staring at her. As though he wanted to see her panty-clad ass as much as Loki did.

So he drew down her pajama pants. He had to smile as he saw her panties. They had little rainbows all over them.

“They’re not sexy. Sorry.”

He gave her a light slap on the ass. “What have I said about saying sorry for things that aren’t your fault? Or you don’t need to say sorry for?”

“Oh right. Um. Yeah.”

Loki could tell she was struggling not to apologize for apologizing.

“Besides, those are cute as fuck.” Remy was staring down at her intently.

Loki cupped her ass. Fuck. It was going to be a struggle to keep himself from coming in his pants like a teenager. Already, he was hard as hell. Although it wasn’t a surprise. Tink was gorgeous. So fucking sexy.

And he hadn’t been with a woman since before he went into the armed forces. It had been hugely unsatisfactory, and he’d felt wrong.

It was after that incident he’d realized that he was all in with Tink.

He hadn’t been with another woman since. He might have attempted to kidnap Georgie as his prize, but he hadn’t really meant it. He’d been in the moment.

That had been about rescuing Georgie from that bastard, Gary. He hadn’t meant to scare her.

For him, it had always been Tink.

But yeah, he had a feeling that the first time his dick pushed its way inside her . . . well, it would be a short ride.

Who ever heard of a thirty-seven-year old man who’d only had sex twice?

What if he was bad at it?

Nah. That would be impossible. He was Loki.

There was no way he could be bad at sex.

Was there anything else he should do?

“Does she remember why she’s being punished?” Remy prompted.


“Tink, do you remember why you’re being punished?” he asked as he squeezed her ass again.