“B-because I was naughty. I kept something from you. And I made it s-seem to Remy that I was going to tell you. And I did think I would . . . but then I didn’t.”

Okay. That was a bit of a ramble, but luckily he could follow Isa-speak.

“Right. And we don’t keep things from each other, do we? Especially important things. I’m going to spank you now.” A shard of worry went through him and he looked to Remy. “I don’t think I can make her cry.”

He hated seeing Tink cry. It was like a stab to his heart. When she was growing up, the reason she’d cried most of the time was because of her dad.

And he never wanted to be like that asshole. He knew it wasn’t the same thing. But he still couldn’t do it. So if spanking her meant he had to make her cry . . .

Nope. Not happening.

Remy gave him a surprised look, then he nodded. “She doesn’t have to cry . . . you don’t have to go that far. Crying isn’t always a bad thing, though.”

“It isn’t?” Isa turned her head toward Remy.

Remy stared down at her thoughtfully. “Your dad, right? Big girls don’t cry.”

Yeah. He’d never forgotten that her dad had told her that. How he’d yell at her for crying, when his yelling at her had made her cry in the first place.

Fucking bastard.

Could crying be a good thing?

“Crying is normal. Cathartic, even,” Remy said.

“Yeah? Do you cry much, big guy?” she sassed back.

Remy’s lips twitched, which surprised Loki. He thought he’d be all serious and rule-driven in Dom mode.

“When my team loses the Super Bowl, I’ve been known to let a tear slip free.”

She snorted. “So no emotional crying?”

“You don’t wanna be like me, Princess,” he told her. “But I’ve had my share of losses, shed my share of tears.”


Now he felt bad for the guy. He knew from Easton’s background check on him that he’d lost his mom and dad.

Loki’s parents died when he was young so he barely remembered them, but he missed his grandfather like crazy. That crazy coot had raised him from the age of seven and nothing about his upbringing had been conventional.

But he wouldn’t change a thing about it.

“I’ll watch her and let you know when to stop?” Remy said.

Loki nodded. Maybe in the future, he could spank her until she cried. But not tonight.

He rubbed her bottom. Then he slapped her cheek.

She jumped but stayed still.

Next slap.

Isa let out a breath she must have been holding. He guessed she was as nervous as him..

He laid down two more. She moaned. Was that a moan of pain?

Loki glanced up at Remy to see what he thought. The other man just gave him a nod of encouragement.