He was not going to start laughing. He was not. But he couldn’t help it, he jumped away from her, holding his arms against his sides, knowing she was going to go for his armpits next.

“Don’t you even think about it,” Loki warned. “Tink, no! It’s a hard no!”

She grinned wildly and lunged for him. But Remy caught her around the waist, holding her against him.

It took all of his control not to snatch her back.

Just when he thought he might be able to tolerate the dude . . .

“Stop torturing Loki,” Remy ordered.

She pouted. “Why? It’s so much fun. And he loves it, really.”

“You want me to tickle you back?” Loki challenged.

“What? No! Rude.”

Remy set her down, away from him. “We need to talk to you, Isa.”

And then it all came back to him. The reason why he’d been storming off down the corridor when Remy had grabbed him, sending him into a flashback.

“Isa,” Loki growled.

Her eyes widened, recognizing his tone.

She took a step back. Oh no, she wasn’t going anywhere. Although he didn’t really feel like having this conversation here. Stepping forward, he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder.

“Loki! What are you doing? Set me down! Set me down right now!”

“No! You’re in trouble. You’ve been keeping things from me.” A surge of adrenaline chased away his fatigue and he started walking toward the main area of the bar.

“Loki! Put me down!”

She started wriggling and he had to adjust his hold to make sure that he kept hold of her while ensuring she didn’t flash everyone in the bar.

He reached the door before he realized that they were on their own. Turning, he glanced back at where Remy watched them with a too-knowing gaze and a hint of . . . sadness.

Fuck. Now he was feeling sorry for the guy.

Loki had never once seen him at the Wishing Well with friends. Not even with work colleagues from the ranch. The people who lived at Sanctuary were all good people. So he was certain that they would have tried to include Remy in everything.

However, he had the feeling that Remy was used to being alone. From what Easton had dug up, he’d never been married and had never stayed in one place for longer than eighteen months.

Most of the time, Loki hated being alone. Sure, sometimes he went out into the wilderness alone to help quiet his mind.

But he needed his friends. Needed his girl.

Loki knew that if he pushed things, pushed her, that she’d choose him.

Isa always chose him.

But he wasn’t going to do that to her.

So, as much as he wanted to carry her away with him, to keep her to himself, he forced himself to turn and call out to Remy.

“You coming, man?”

“Me?” Remy gave him a shocked look. “You want me to come?”