“You seem to know more about all of this than I do.” Something he hated. Yeah, his girl was in fucking trouble. “You need to come make sure she doesn’t leave shit out.”

“What are the two of you talking about?” Isa asked.

“Hush, you,” Loki ordered. “You’ll get to talk when I say you can.”

“Hey! That’s rude.”

“No, what’s rude is keeping things from me. Things that are important.”



Oh, fuck.

This really wasn’t good.

She stiffened as she lay over his shoulder. “Oh shit.”

“Oh shit is right. You’re in big trouble. And you’re going to stay quiet until I tell you that you can talk. And you know exactly what we’ll be talking about, don’t you, Tink?”

“I’ll tell you now,” she cried, knowing he was deadly serious.

“You’ll tell me once we’re somewhere where we won’t be interrupted. We’ll go to the office.”

“That’s on the other side of the bar!” she cried. Was he seriously going to carry her through a room full of people? She could hear Red calling out a question. “The quiz has started; my friends will be waiting for me.”

“They’ll have to keep waiting for you. And did I say you could talk yet?” Loki asked in a low voice. “Remy, you coming?”

Suddenly, Remy’s face appeared next to hers as he crouched down. He was watching her with a serious expression. “You all right there, Princess?”

Maybe she should tell him that she wasn’t. Would he force Loki to let her go?

Is that really what you want?

Because she kind of deserved this. The guilt was eating at her. She hadn’t told Loki the full truth. Something she knew he would hate. They didn’t lie to each other.

But was it really a lie? More like she’d opted not to tell him a few things.

She was only trying to protect him.

Yeah . . . that was also something he hated. When she did something that he considered to be his job.

It was why she was never allowed to take the garbage to the dump if they missed garbage day. Or deal with the snow in winter. Or take the cars into the garage when they had problems. Because Loki considered all of those things to be his jobs.

Including taking care of her.

It might sound sexist, but it wasn’t really. It was what worked for them.

And she shouldn’t be messing with it. Taking away his opportunity to protect and care for her.

After all, wasn’t that part of the reason she loved him?

Because he cared.

So she smiled at Remy, giving him a smile. “I’m good. I’m always good with Loki.”

There was a strange look on Remy’s face. Shit. She hadn’t hurt his feelings or anything, had she?