Sage had suggested that Loki invest in the company a while back. So he had. And made a bucketload more cash. Mikey wasn’t always here; he split his time up between Wishingbone and Chicago.

“You want me to look any further into him?” The last to speak was Easton. He was the quietest. But don’t underestimate him. He had the ability to blend into the background, which made him an excellent private investigator.

Easton had run a background check on Remy. And he’d followed them the other night to dinner to keep an eye on Isa.

Loki had known most of these guys for years. Mikey moved here during Loki’s senior year of high school. Sage was his best friend and had moved out here a few years later.

Rohan was Sage’s cousin. And Easton . . . well, that was a long story.

“You already did some research into him and didn’t find anything,” Loki said.

No way would he let his girl go out with a guy that he hadn’t had Easton look into.

“I can go further,” Easton said. “Pretty certain now that he has been a member of some BDSM clubs. And he doesn’t look like a sub to me, so I’m going with Dom.”

“Not exactly a crime,” Mikey said dryly.

“Well, I can fabricate something in his past to make her get rid of him for good,” Easton said.

Tempting . . . get rid of him. But Loki knew if Isa ever found out, she’d be furious.

And that was pretty much the only thing stopping him.

That . . . and you’re trying to be a good guy. To ensure that Isa gets what she needs.

Even if it’s not what you want.


Being the good guy sucked.

He’d give all his money away, let people use his house and his stuff, even take his she-demon chickens.

But letting her go . . .

It might be asking too much.

“Not there yet. I’ll let you know when I am.”

Fuck, he’d just saidwhennotif.

Time to go make her eat. After a bathroom break.

“I’m going to take a piss before the quiz starts. This week we’re going to kick ass.” He yelled that last part before letting out a whoop that his friends echoed.

“No way!” Kiesha yelled back. “It’s Beersal Suspects all the way!”

This had become part of the ritual of quiz night. And it hyped everyone up.

Loki headed to the restroom. After he was finished doing his business, he washed his hands, glancing over as the door opened.

And Remy walked in.

Loki stiffened; he couldn’t help it.

It would be so much easier if he had a solid reason for hating him.

Remy nodded to him and Loki walked out without saying a word. He wasn’t going to hang around the restroom while the guy took a piss, yet he found himself unable to walk away, either.