Fuck. What was he doing? Now he was hanging around outside the men’s restrooms like a complete weirdo? He headed off down the corridor.

Then he stopped. He needed to get to know this guy. And he had something that he wanted to talk to him about. Remy left the bathroom, looking unsurprised to find him standing there.

“Loki, I was hoping to talk to you.”

Loki raised his eyebrows. “You were?”


“You’re staring at her again.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “More than usual, and I didn’t think that was possible.”

To his shock, instead of firing off at him or getting defensive, Remy just sighed and leaned against the wall opposite him. “It’s hard for me to stop thinking about that night. I play it over in my mind, seeing all the ways it could have ended differently. Since I first met her, I’ve been worrying over her. But now, it seems like it’s gone into overdrive. So yeah, I’m watching her more than usual because I’m trying to convince myself that she’s safe. She hasn’t seen that same car again, right? I told her to tell me if she did.”

Loki just stared at him. This was the guy who barely spoke to anyone, and he’d just laid out a whole lot of information that Loki could barely take in.

“What do you mean, all the ways that things could have ended differently? Because she could have hurt herself? The car was just a bit scratched up. It’s already been buffed out. And why would she see that car again? Is something else going on?”

Something filled Remy’s face. Anger?

Before he could question him further though, someone walked out the back and headed toward them. Remy nodded his head toward the end of the corridor and Loki followed him until they were standing just outside the storeroom.

“If you want somewhere private, we can go to Noah’s office,” Loki told him.

“Don’t imagine he’d want us in there,” Remy said.

“Noah will let me go anywhere I want.” Since he was basically a part-owner of Wishing Well. He tried not to announce that to just anyone, though. Noah was a proud guy who wouldn’t want anyone to know that he’d fallen on hard times a year ago.

It wasn’t like Loki had just done it out of the goodness of his heart. If Loki hadn’t helped him out, Noah would have had to close the bar. And then there wouldn’t have been any more quiz nights.

Or even worse, he’d have borrowed money off that fucker, Reuben Jones. That bastard already owned enough businesses in town.

That was part of the reason Loki helped out so many people. And because he liked the people of Wishingbone. He wanted to use his money to help people.

“This will do.”

“Good,” Loki said in a short voice. “Now, tell me why you’re so worried about Isa and her accident. I get it was scary for her, but it wasn’t a big accident.”

Although she was terrified to getting back into her car which didn’t sit right with him.

Maybe he should have thought more about why she was so scared.

“Fuck,” Remy swore. “I thought she was going to tell you all of it. Has she gotten her car back yet? Has she been driving that route herself?”

“She got her car back Tuesday evening.” Loki wasn’t sure whether to tell him this next bit. But, so far, Remy had been surprisingly open with him.

It seemed like his girl was the one keeping secrets. Which didn’t sit well at all with him.

He thought they told each other everything.

“But yesterday, when she tried to get into her car, she had a panic attack so I’ll be driving her.”

He didn’t tell the other man that he’d called in sick for her. Remy seemed the type of person who liked to follow the rules.

Loki? Not so much.

“She had a panic attack?” Remy asked, looking concerned. “That’s not good. But I also don’t think she should drive that route for the first few times alone, anyway. So I’m glad you’ve been taking her. She keeps telling me that she’s fine. Is she having nightmares?”

“Not that I know of.” He frowned. Would she tell him, though? “Her boss is working her too hard.” Most nights, it had been late by the time she’d called him to get her. She’d been apologetic and he’d finally told her to shut it or he would gag her.