He’d wanted to go after the SOB. “Getting Alina to safety was the priority.”
“And now that she’s safe? Now that she’s home, what is your priority? Is it protecting her?”
Of course.
“Or is it going after the man who took her? The ringleader? Are you planning to hunt him on your own?”
Absolutely. “I like to multitask,” Midas said, trying to sound modest. His gaze didn’t leave the door. “And, for the record, it was absolute hell.”
Calvin edged closer. “Excuse me?”
“Growing up with a serial killer as a father? Hell. What else could it be? But when you walk through hell, it teaches you how to handle fire.”
The door flew open before Calvin could respond. Alina rushed out with her eyes too wide and her face far too pale. Midas immediately stepped forward and caught her in his arms. “Alina.”
Her breath shuddered out. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Swearing, he scooped her into his arms and rushed toward the nearest restroom. He shoved open the door and hurried toward the sink.
“Midas, this is the women’s restroom!”
“Yeah, sweetheart, and you’re a woman.” He sat her down on the countertop and grabbed for some paper towels. He wet them. And lifted them toward her forehead. “I want you to breathe. Or, hell, maybe you should put your head between your knees? Is the room spinning? Are you dizzy? Faint?”
She caught his wrist and stopped him before he could put the damp towel on her forehead. “I’m fine.”
“I wanted to get away from the cops.”
Water dripped from the paper towels.
“Didn’t think you’d spirit me away quite so fast—or that you’d rush into the women’s restroom with me, but…it works.”
He wasn’t following.
“Can you look beneath the stalls to make sure we’re alone?”
Midas tossed the dripping paper towels and scanned beneath the stalls. “Clear.” He closed back in on her. Midas flattened his hands on the counter on either side of her body. “Explain.” Critically, he eyed her. Alina’s face was far too pale. She hadn’t been acting, not completely. The woman was obviously shaken.
“You broke his jaw.”
Ah. Yes. He had. He’d even told her that very thing back at the godforsaken cabin. But maybe seeing the damage hit different than just hearing about it. “The detective ID’d the guy as Fallon White.” Fred. “And, yeah, I did.”
“He punched me.”
Midas clenched his own jaw. “Heard him talking about that outside. I was waiting in the tree line, trying to figure out the best way to get you out of that cabin. Fallon had a loud voice. Heard him talking to the other one—Shayne Preston.”
“You knew what Fallon had done to me.”
A nod. “Knew about the punch and the knife.” That bastard had thought to slice open her silken cheek? Hell, no.
“You…you broke his jaw because he hit me.”
Again, they had covered this when he got her out of the closet. But she’d probably been in shock then.
Midas studied her for a moment in silence. Was that why they were in the bathroom? Alina was having second thoughts about him? “I broke his jaw because he came at me with a knife.” And, of course, because of what he did to you. He deserved some pain. “But what do you really want to know? Are you trying to ask if I killed him?” He leaned in closer to her.
“I’m asking if you broke his jaw because of what he’d done to me.”