Midas kept his attention on the closed door that led to the exam room. Alina had been inside for several minutes. Just how long would this scene take? He didn’t like not having her within sight. “Being awesome? Utterly exhausting.” A flippant reply.
Calvin laughed.
Ah, so we’re playing the friend game, huh? Not like it was his first time to face an interrogation from a police detective. Hardly. And he knew every trick in the book when it came to cops.
Clearly, this whole scene was just a divide-and-conquer setup. Alina was viewing the bodies—something meant to unsettle her, perhaps push her into revealing more than she’d shared with the cops before—while Midas got to cool his heels with the male detective. And, of course, Calvin had pounced with his questions.
“No, I meant…” The fake laughter ended. “What’s it like having a killer for a father?”
Midas turned his head from the closed door and focused on the detective. “Is this your first big case?”
“No. In fact, Joy—ah, Joyce and I have quite the closure rate. Best in the city.”
“Wonderful. Fabulous for you both. Hopefully, that fantastic closure rate means you’ll do your job and find the man who organized Alina’s abduction and likely killed the two men in that exam room.”
“Ah, still sticking to that story, are you? That they were killed by their mysterious boss?”
“Sticking to the truth, you mean? Yeah, I am.” His gaze swept back to the door.
“You broke the jaw of one of her abductors.”
Midas shrugged. “The dark-haired one? I took a swing at him. The man was coming at me with a knife. What else was I supposed to do? Shake his hand?” All of this was in the statement he’d given to the responding officers the previous night. But cops liked to go over details again and again, always hoping that a suspect would slip up.
Midas wasn’t in the mood to slip. “I have a powerful punch. It took him down. I used that time to restrain him with the zip ties I’d taken from the rear of the vehicle on scene.”
“And once you’d restrained him, it was easy to break his neck and plunge a knife into his heart?”
Midas didn’t blink.
“That is the order of operations, correct? Broken neck first, then the knife plunge. At least, that’s what your father always did.”
“I am not my father.” He kept his hands loose at his sides. His voice remained cool and unemotional.
“Were you angry that Alina had been taken?”
“Wasn’t thrilled.”
“And were you angry that these men tried to kill you? They did hit you with their vehicle. Our techs found dents on the hood. Scratches. Plus, the locator tag was exactly where you told us it would be.”
“So my story checked out. How wonderful.”
“They took Alina. They tried to kill you. And, hey, I believe a lot of what you’ve said. Maybe when you got to the cabin, Fallon White did attack you with his knife.”
Ah. And this is why I’m talking to the cop instead of staying silent. Because I can get more information from him than he will get from me. “That the guy’s name?”
“Yes, the man with the broken jaw is Fallon White. Well, that’s one of his aliases. Real name is Fred White. Guess he thought Fallon had more of an edge than Fred.”
Midas grunted. “He was not wrong.”
“The redhead was Shayne Preston. Both men had records. Lots of petty crimes for Shayne. A few assault charges for Fallon.”
All of this fit with what Midas suspected about the two men. “They were the goons. There for the grunt work. Someone else was pulling their strings.”
“And you saw that someone driving to the cabin. Then driving after you when you fled with Alina? I believe that’s what you said to the cops on scene.”
Yes, he had said that. “You believe correctly.”
“Odd. If the leader was right there, I would have thought a guy like you would have gone after him.”