Page 56 of Hannah's Truth

“Not necessarily. According to the prices, which translate to military times, the truck should arrive between three and five tonight.”

“I should have seen that.”

“You would have if you’d had more sleep and less work on your mind.”

“Says the woman who nearly passed out from exhaustion this morning.”

“I refuse to dignify that with a response.”

“Which is confirmation enough for me.” He dodged when she tried to swat him and they finished their picnic with a stack of snickerdoodle cookies.

“It’s really beautiful out here,” Hannah said. Maria had been right about the fresh air doing her good. “Thanks.” Her stomach wasn’t fighting the food and now that Bart seemed done bashing himself with the false logic that he was somehow a bad father, the outing had turned into a moment she knew she would treasure no matter where she ended up.

“Rope swing or basking?” he asked, tucking away their picnic.

“Basking,” she replied leaning back.

“All right.” He rolled to his feet with the athletic grace that balanced his oversized frame. She’d noticed it shortly after theymet, how well he handled himself. She might be enjoying the view too much for a woman who meant to walk away within a few days.

“Come on,” he said, offering his hand to help her up.

“We can’t bask here?”

“Basking involves sunshine and a warm rock.”

“Hmm.” It still sounded like less work than a rope swing. “If you’re sure we can’t just stay here.”

“You’ll love it. Trust me.”

When the tarp and blanket were rolled up and secured in the handles of the picnic basket, he took her hand and led her upstream. It was a short hike and the sun turned the water to diamonds, reminding her of yesterday’s odd trip to Miler. When this was over and she was gone, Mrs. Delvecchio would have him married off—for real—in no time.

The idea of Bart happily traipsing through life with another woman made her oddly unhappy. Which was a far too possessive line of thinking. She might be carrying his baby, but that didn’t give her exclusive rights to the man. They didn’t have a relationship beyond friendship and he clearly didn’t expect or want that to change.

She thought of her promise to Maria and guilt pricked her conscience. But telling him about the baby would force them into uncharted territory, requiring an adjustment she just didn’t deem fair. He deserved to know and she would tell him, but not when he would feel obligated. In her opinion, telling him now would only dredge up his unrealistic father and provider issues. He needed this time away from the truck stop to relax about the whole mess, personal and professional.

“Here we are,” Bart said, pulling her away from her thoughts.

“Wow.” The trees on their side of the river offered shade, but out in the middle a boulder reared up from the water tumblingover a short waterfall. It had to be one of the most beautiful places she’d seen.

“Just follow my lead.”

She watched him side-step down the bank and then take a long step onto a wide rock. Two more rocks and he was standing on a boulder in the middle of a sunbeam, looking more handsome than any man should.

She scooted down the bank and took a hard look at the first step. The rock was wet and it would be a stretch, but she could make it.

“It might be slippery,” he warned. “But it’s stable.”

“Great, thanks.”

She stretched out and her foot landed on the stone. Feeling awkward as she straddled the water with one foot on the bank and one on the rock, she told herself it wasn’t any big deal and brought her feet together onto the first rock.

“Well done,” Bart cheered.

She stuck her tongue out at him and then took the next step. The clear water wasn’t deep here and it might have been safer to wade, but taking the rocks added a spark of adventure.

When she reached him, he pulled her into a hug and she tipped her face up to the bright sunshine. “I could get used to this.”

A soft laugh rumbled through his chest and skated along her senses. She really needed to get a grip. They were friends and it seemed they would stay that way regardless of how she’d used him so deliciously last night.