Stretching out beside him, the warmth seeped into her and the gentle chatter of the river soothed her senses. From the rock under her, the sun over her and the man beside her. The combination relaxed her more effectively than she’d imagined possible.
As she hovered in that happy twilight, not asleep, but not thinking about anything at all, she felt his hand cover hers. “This is amazing,” she whispered without opening her eyes.
“Worth the effort?”
“You were absolutely right,” she admitted.
“It happens occasionally.”
More than occasionally, she thought, utterly content in the peaceful moment. She felt him change positions and before she could miss his hand holding hers, he smoothed her hair behind her ear. The soothing, rhythmic touch launched a quiet rush of fantasies too good to come true.
If she were really his, he’d bring her out here on sunny afternoons to talk and eat and bask like this. He would kiss her softly and she’d toy with the hair at the back of his neck.
Her eyelids fluttered open to find him hovering a breath away, watching her intently. Her fingers traced the dark brows and rugged angles of his jaw and cheekbones. His expression, usually full of humor was stoic in concentration as his eyes roamed over her face.
She should resist. Kissing him wouldn’t make leaving any easier. She touched her lips to his and waited, letting the rush of attraction sizzle through her. His mouth claimed hers with a gentle, thorough insistence. It was impossible to regret something that felt so wonderful.
No, her only regret was the phone clipped to his belt when it started to ring. “Throw it in the river,” she suggested.
He kept one arm around her, holding her close as he answered. It was impossible to miss the change as his body snapped to attention with whatever news the caller had shared.
She squirmed out of his embrace and reached down to splash cool water on her face.
“We have to get back to the truck stop.”
“What happened?”
“A fleet manager stopped by, furious about an account.”
“Is that normal?”
“No. But there’s a first time for everything and I’m the only one who can unravel the mess.”
They crossed back to the river bank with less playfulness, and though the hike was rushed, he only released her hand when the path was too narrow to walk side by side.
He grabbed the picnic basket and they hurried to the truck.
“You think it’s something to do with the cartel don’t you?” she asked as she buckled her seatbelt.
“I think it’s possible.” He nodded to the clock on the dash. “It could be a distraction while they make a move.”
She didn’t mention it, knew they were both thinking that with Tim out of the way, the cartel would probably act whenever they pleased rather than stick to the schedule. She had to hope the other legs of the mobile meth lab route were inflexible. This was a tight window of opportunity and she didn’t want to blow it.
“Seems like a lot of work to fabricate an unhappy customer.”
“Fair point.” She wondered how he would he feel when he realized his staff had decided to get together to honor Tim?
Within a few minutes they pulled up to the truck stop and Bart’s hands turned white on the wheel. She could hardly blame him. Her stomach went queasy at the scene. They’d both been duped by Maria.
The front windows no longer boasted deals on beer, soft drinks, or tobacco. In their place, paper wedding bells and streamers in a soft rainbow of pastels were draped everywhere.
A banner congratulating the bride and groom by name appeared to wrap around the entire building.
Cardboard cutouts of wedding bells were secured above each gas and diesel pump.
“Oh my God.”
She agreed one hundred percent. “Maria is a world-class sneak.”