“Ask him to take you down to the river. He carved out a nice little spot for Kyle. The fresh air will do you good.”
“About that—” Hannah shot a look at the kitchen. “Umm. Well. I am going to tell him,” she whispered.
Maria’s smile was full of wisdom and a touch of sympathy. “There are some things even I don’t interfere with.”
“You’re the best, Maria.”
“I try. Just take care when you tell him. He’s built like a bear and grumpy as such more than half the time, but he is one of the good guys.”
“I know that.”
“Of course you do.” Maria beamed. “Or you wouldn’t have exchanged vows.”
Right. “I’m lucky he agreed to put up with me.” Hannah managed. It was the absolute truth. He might be bearish, but she wasn’t a picnic either. Add in being pregnant and she wondered what the hell she was doing, what she ultimately wanted outof this situation. Stopping the cartel was the first priority. After that… she just couldn’t see the clear path forward.
As Maria walked off to make her more tea, Hannah stared at the slim wedding band on her finger. Bart had insisted it was necessary to sell the lie, but just as it had last night, the guilt of dragging him into her professional problems assailed her conscience.
Not to mention her personal crisis. This might be his baby, but it was ultimately her problem. Yesterday she’d been sure telling him was the right thing to do; now she wondered when to bring it up, if at all. Knowing Bart’s wide protective streak, he’d likely do what her boss had done and ship her off to a safe office out of harm’s way.
“Ready?” Bart was at her side, a mug in his hand.
“Sure.” She was ready to see what Bart had found. If nothing else, it would be a good distraction.
As soon as the office door was closed, Bart turned on the radio, his eyes bright with excitement. “I scoped every inch of this place this morning and couldn’t find anything like what you found upstairs.”
“You didn’t use the phone though?”
“Nope. I’d like to get Eva on board, but it was too early when I figured it out and I won’t take the chance until we find a way around the wiretap.”
“Good plan.”
“Yeah. Sit down and take a look.” He held out his desk chair for her. His masculine scent enveloped her as she sank into the seat, almost as comforting as the tea Maria made. Both could become addicting all too easily. She really needed to get over that. Or solve the case and make a quick exit.
“What did you find?”
“After you fell asleep, I couldn’t.”
She was grateful he was behind her and couldn’t see the color creeping back into her face.
“I broke part of Tim’s code.” The item in question landed on the desk in front of her. “Here are the fuel logs from the past six weeks. I want you to see if you can reconcile the visits in the logs to his notes so we know which trucks he was watching.”
“You think there was more than one.”
“I do, yes.”
“All right.”
“One of Tim’s targets is on a three day cycle.” He kissed the top of her head. “If you find anything, holler.”
“You got it. Just one thing before you go.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m antsy. There’s only so much of this windowless paradise I can handle.”
He scowled at her. “What does that mean?”
“I’m as eager to wrap this up as you are, but can’t we go and do something in a little while? Just a quick break for fresh air and sunshine,” she added.