Page 45 of Hannah's Truth

“I’m sorry about—”

“Shh.” He wouldn’t let her finish the apology. “I could use your help with some paperwork while I finish up in here.”


“In the office, yes.”

She gave him a long look. “You realize that sounds suspiciously like desk duty.” But getting away from the fog of bacon and sausage sounded like heaven.

“Here, drink this.” Maria appeared and pressed a cup of pale liquid into Hannah’s grasp. “That will fix you right up. Bart, I need your opinion in the kitchen.”

“It can wait,” he grumbled.

“Probably, but the girl needs a bit of breathing room.”

Bart pushed to his feet. “I’ll walk you to the office in a minute.”

Hannah chuckled as Maria rolled her eyes and muttered an oath about men in general as she shooed Bart back to the kitchen.

She sipped cautiously at the warm liquid, afraid of how her stomach would react. Sweetened with honey, the weak tea slid down her throat in a smooth, delicious relief.

A moment later, Maria circled the tables with a full pot of coffee and a big smile, putting the few lingering customers at ease.

She stopped once more in front of Hannah, setting the nearly empty pot down on the table as she stared for a long moment. Hannah knew Maria had figured it out and prepared to plead for the woman’s silence.

“That shiner is like a black hole when you’re so pale.”

“Are you saying I’m scaring your customers?”

Maria laughed, tilting her head back toward the few occupied tables. “That lot? No way, they’re a tough bunch.”


“You seem pretty tough too.”

Hannah nodded, not quite sure of an appropriate reply.

“Tough can be lonely.” Maria sighed, apparently coming to some conclusion Hannah couldn’t fathom. “I’m glad you won’t be lonely anymore.”


“I’ll get you the recipe for the tea. It will get you through.”

“Thanks,” Hannah repeated.

“Bart says he’ll set you up in the office in a few minutes. Want more?”


Maria smiled and held out her hand for the empty cup. “Do me a favor?”


“Get him out of here for a couple hours when you’re done with whatever he wants you to do in the office.”

Hannah’s instincts shot to full alert. Maria couldn’t be the problem child here at the truck stop. She was too direct and there was a little too much twinkle in her eye. “We’re planning a little gathering, but I don’t want him to feel obligated to contribute.”

Hannah could understand that, but she didn’t have the first clue where to take him. “Suggestions?”