The first time he asked me to scratch his back, I looked at him like he’d lost his mind. My face probably turned a hundred different shades of red as he lifted his shirt and placed my hand on his bare skin. It was electric, touching him that way. But at the same time, it felt like the most natural thing in the world, the intimacy between us. It quickly became a normal occurrence. Every chance he gets, he pulls up his shirt and begs me to rub him. His back, his stomach, and in situations or places where he can’t lift his shirt, he likes for me to rub his arms. Basically, it’s just an excuse for us to have as much skin to skin contact as possible.
Caroline says we’re way too intimate for two people who are merely friends, but Lawrence and I are more than friends. We always have been. I don’t feel the need to be labeled as his girlfriend. The love and affection he has for me far outweighs anything he’s ever felt for any of his girlfriends.
Lawrence shifts in my lap, angling his head to meet my gaze as he smirks. “This is heaven.”
A blush fills my cheeks, making me thankful for the darkness provided by the night sky. The trampoline bounces as he settles back into position, his eyes in front of him instead of on me.
“You know…we could have an entire weekend together like this.”
My hand freezes, my stomach doing a somersault. “What do you mean?”
He snickers, wiggling his back until I begin to stroke him again. “My parents are planning a camping trip and said I could bring someone with me.”
“Camping?” I croak. My mind reels as I consider what an overnight trip with Lawrence would entail—no makeup, unbrushed teeth, and… “Where would I sleep?”
“In my tent with me.” His statement is so matter of fact, my heart races.
He’s acting as if what he’s suggesting is no big deal, like sharing a private, small, enclosed spaced with him for three days wouldn’t mean anything. Sure, I’ve stayed in the same room with Robbie tons of times, but I never felt for him the things I do Lawrence. We have a closeness I never had with Robbie, and I’m not sure I’m ready for the types of things that could come from a sleepover with Lawrence.
“And your parents are okay with that? I mean, when they said you could bring a friend, they were probably thinking you’d bring someone like Robbie.”
“No, it’s fine. Kristen is bringing her boyfriend and they’re letting him sleep in her tent.”
“But I’m not your girlfriend.”
My hand falls into my lap as he sits up, his eyes locking on mine as he straightens his shirt and kneels next to me.
“You could be, if you wanted to be.” My mouth goes dry, and I remain speechless as I gape at him. My heart is screaming yes, but my head is freaking out. “Will you at least think about it?”
I shake my head. “My mother is never going to let me go.”
“What if you told her you’ll be sharing a tent with my sister?”
“I’m not sure it would make much of a difference. She won’t like the idea of me going on an overnight trip with you.”
“Why, because I’m a boy?” he mocks. “You stay the night at Robbie’s all the time.”
“That’s different. I’m staying with Caroline, not Robbie. Besides, my relationship with you is very different.”
He smirks. “So, what you’re saying is she’ll be worried about what we might do in that tent?”
My face feels like it’s on fire as I nod. “Exactly.”
A mischievous smile spreads across his face, his eyes lighting up with playfulness as he lies back on the trampoline and tucks his hands behind his head. “I can’t say I blame her there. Not saying I had anything like that in mind, but if I were to do….it, I would only want to do it with you. Your first time should be with someone you’re in love with, and I’m in love with you.”
My head spins from the lack of air in my lungs, and I lie down next to him. “Same. I mean, you’re who I’d want to…” I pause to clear my throat, and he giggles. “You know... I’m in love with you too.”
My pager slams into my bedroom wall and shatters into pieces, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath. Cat has been calling and paging me for the past hour, but I’m not ready to talk to her. Or anyone, for that matter.
My parents are getting divorced. This can’t be happening. I know they have their issues, but I didn’t see this coming. Apparently, it’s been in the works for a while. The pending divorce is why my dad has been around more and we’ve gone on so many family outings lately. They told us they even tried marriage counseling, but our family still ended up here.