Which is exactly how I feel right now.
There’s a knock on my door, and I groan. “Go away, Kristen.”
As suspected, she ignores me, stepping inside and making herself comfortable on my bed as I scowl at her. “Cat called again while I was on the phone. She sounds so worried. You should call her back. Your relationship is finally back where you want it to be, don’t let this screw that up.”
“And you should mind your own business,” I snap.
“Don’t get snippy with me, little brother. This is hard on all of us. You aren’t the only one going through this. We need to be there for each other, and you need to have other people you can lean on. Like Cat. She cares about you. Let her be there for you.”
I shake my head as I sigh. She’s right, but there’s no way I’m going to admit that. “Do you think we’re going to move again?”
Her eyes darken with fear, though she tries to hide it with her sad smile. “It’s possible, but we’ve been there before. If it happens, we’ll make the best of it. Just as we have in the past.”
“But my life is here.”
“You mean Cat. She’s here. And you’re afraid you’re going to lose her. Is that the real reason you aren’t taking her calls?”
My silence says what I can’t. Kristen gets up from my bed, handing me the phone with a pointed look before heading back out of my room.
The crashing of pins on the wooden lanes seems louder than usual as I walk through the front doors, the laughter and loud music almost unnerving. Showing up here tonight reeks of desperation, but Lawrence has been avoiding me for weeks, and I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried to give him some space, knowing he needs time to process the situation with his parents. But he’s hurting, and I want to be there for him.
“Bowling?” My new friend snarls as her eyes roam around the building. I met Lori a few weeks ago at our freshman orientation for high school. Though we hit it off right away, we’re still getting to know each other. She doesn’t know much about Lawrence yet, so she’s completely unaware of my hidden agenda. “Why in the world did you want to go bowling?”
Laughing, I roll my eyes. “It’ll be fun. Give it a chance.”
As we step up to the shoe counter, I carefully scan the room for Lawrence, my heart sinking when I don’t see him. We get our shoes and pay for our games, shuffling through the throng of people to our assigned lane. The place is packed, and everyone seems to blend in together, but I know he’s here. I can feel him.
Once we have our names up on the board, and we’re ready to get started, I tell Lori I want to use the restroom before I put my shoes on. She has no clue I’m merely trying to find Lawrence. I still don’t see any sign of him as I walk into the bathroom, and I’m beginning to question my intuition. I’d been sure he’d be here tonight, despite everything that’s going on with his parents. He never misses Friday night bowling with his dad.
I get my first glimpse of him, exiting the ladies’ room. If it’d been anyone else, I probably would’ve missed him, but I’d know Lawrence anywhere. My heart clenches at the sight of him, my feet instinctively carrying me in his direction. He’s heading toward the exit with his bag draped over his slumped shoulders, a forlorn expression on his face and a vacancy behind his eyes.
“Lawrence,” I call out for him.
He stops, his eyes widening as he searches for me. His face brightens once his gaze lands on me, only to dim again as I come to a stop in front of him.
“Hey, Cat.” His greeting is formal and stiff, nothing like I’m used to.
My stomach churns with uncertainty, but I remind myself his disposition isn’t about me. “How are you doing?”
“I’m okay.”
I shift on my feet, trying to figure out what to say. “I miss you,” I admit.
He lets out a sad sigh, his eyes falling to the floor. “I miss you too.”
Any relief I’m feeling from hearing him say it is foreshadowed by the overwhelming sadness radiating off him. All I want to do is help him through this, but he’s locking me out, and I don’t know what to say or do to break through this wall he’s put up.
“Are you leaving already?”
He nods, lifting his gaze to meet mine again. “Yeah, Dad’s waiting on me outside. I should probably get going.”
“Okay…” My voice cracks as my emotions start to get the best of me, and I clear my throat. “Will you call me later? Please.”
“Sure.” I don’t miss the way his eyes dart to the left as he answers. “Bye, Cat.”
My heart shatters as I watch him walk away, my mind reeling from the odd encounter. He treated me more like a stranger than the person he’s in love with, but I need to put my own feelings aside and show him some understanding right now.