“Nathan? I wasn’t expecting you until later this week,” she says, surprised.
“I know, Doc. But this couldn’t wait. Doc, this is Charlotte Moore, the woman I’m going to marry. Lottie, this is my therapist, Dr. Roxanne Seymour.”
Doc’s whiskey eyes light up as she takes my girl in, offering her hand to shake.
“So pleased to meet you.” She smiles genuinely. “I gather from your engagement news that your conversation went well,” she whispers to me.
I nod, turning my attention to the woman who has given my life true meaning.
“I want to be worthy of my Lottie, Doc,” I tell her while staring lovingly into my woman’s eyes. “She deserves everything because she’s given me everything. But if I’m to be a man worthy of her love, worthy of our future, then I can’t let the past define me. There’s a lot of stuff that happened to me when I was growing up that I still need to unpack, process, and, most importantly, overcome. I’m kind of hoping you could help me out, Doc. Since I can’t do it alone.”
“Looks to me like you’re not alone, Nathan. Not in the slightest.” Doc smiles as her gaze bounces off Lottie and me. “Having said that, I’m so proud you’ve taken this step, and I will do everything in my power to help you along the way.”
Doc then pushes her office door a bit wider, ready to start what I know will be a difficult road to healing. But before I go in, I lean down and press a kiss to the woman whose love has given me the courage to face my demons head-on.
“Will you wait for me?” I ask, my voice coming out hoarse and vulnerable.
She looks deep into my eyes, her gray swirls prominently swimming in her blue irises.
“Yes, Nate,” she vows sweetly. “I’ll wait for as long as you need me to. Because to me, you’re worth waiting for. Always.”
And it’s with her words of love and encouragement that I step into Doc’s office, knowing that no matter how hard life gets or whatever troubles may arise in our future, Lottie and I can withstand any storm.
As long as we face them together, nothing can break us.
Because our love is everlasting.
Always and forever.
Chapter 39
“You have got to be freaking kidding me?!” Piper shouts excitedly on the phone. “You’re getting married? To Nate? TotheNathan Wilder? To the same pain-in-the-ass hockey player I asked you to be a matchmaker for. That Nate?”
“Yes. That’s the one.” I laugh.
“Oh, my God! I can’t believe it. I haven’t talked to you for three days, and now I find out you’re engaged?!”
“I know. It’s crazy, isn’t it? It sounds insane, but… I don’t know. It also feels… right. I love him. I love Nate with all my heart. And if that makes me crazy, then I don’t care. I feel it in my bones that he’s the one. He’s the one for me.”
“Ah, babe, it’s not crazy. I can hear how happy he makes you just by the way you say his name. All I ever wanted for you was to meet the right guy. Someone who would treat you like you deserve to be treated. If I knew Nate was the one for you, I would have sent him your way years ago.” She laughs. “I’m just happy that you’re happy. That’s all I ever wanted for you. You know that, right?”
“I know.” I smile widely even though she can’t see it.
“We need to celebrate! Where are you now?”
“Actually, I’m standing outside Cooper’s apartment building, waiting for Nate to arrive and help me get the rest of my stuff. He should be here any minute.”
“Good. I don’t like the idea of you going back to that apartment alone.”
“You sound just like Nate. He said the exact same thing, word for word, when I told him I wanted to get the rest of my things this morning.”
“Smart man. I knew I liked him for a reason,” Piper jokes playfully. “Okay, I’ll leave you to it, babe. But when you get a minute, call me so we can go out to dinner. I’m very curious to learn how all this went down.”
“I will. Love you.”
“Love you too.”