After I hang up, I glance at the time and realize that Nate is running a bit late. His coach probably had some last-minute things to discuss with the team since they have such a big game in a few days. Nate can’t demand to clock out just to come and help me pack.
I stand on the sidewalk for another minute and then realize how silly I’m being.
I should just go up and start packing myself. With a bit of luck, Nate will arrive by the time I have everything packed, and we can go home.
I like the sound of that plan far better than standing out here waiting in the cold.
Having made up my mind, I walk into the building and greet Wallace, the doorman, with a smile.
“Miss Moore. What a lovely surprise. I heard you moved out.”
“I have,” I affirm, “Just need to pack a few boxes, and I’ll officially no longer be a tenant here.”
“It saddens me that you’ll be gone. However, by the smile you have on your face, the move seems to agree with you.”
“That it has, old friend. That it has,” I tell him, unable to keep the broad smile on my lips from stretching wider. “Can you do me a favor, Wallace? Mr. Wilder should arrive any minute to help me. Would you please tell him that I’ve gone up to the apartment to start packing up my things?”
“Of course, Miss Moore. It will be my pleasure.” He beams. “And if you need my help, you’re more than welcome to it.”
“Ah, thank you, Wallace. That would be great if you could.”
“Very well. I’ll wait here for your friend, and then we can go up together.”
I thank him again and walk towards the elevator, punching the top floor button as I step inside. But just as the elevator doors start to close, I see Wallace run in my direction, seeming to have remembered something.
“Miss Moore! Miss Moore! I forgot to tell you that—”
But the elevator doors close before I’m able to hear him finish his sentence.
I wonder what he was in such a hurry to tell me.
It’s only when I step foot inside my old apartment that I realize what Wallace was trying to warn me about.
“Cooper, I didn’t realize you’d be here,” I state, a bit surprised to see him sitting on the couch in his boxers, no less, with old pizza boxes and empty vodka bottles lying around the living room.
“Well, look who decided to show up,” he jeers, getting up to his feet with a bottle in his hand.
“I came over to grab my things, Cooper, but I’ll come back when it’s a more convenient time for you,” I tell him before turning my back to him, eager to leave.
“Take your shit now. I don’t care. You’ve taken everything else from me.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” I counter, leaving the door ajar to face him head-on.
“Oh, drop the innocent act, Charlotte. I know it was you.” He points a menacing finger at me.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, no?” He scoffs. “Well, let me enlighten you then. A little birdie leaked on YouTube that fucking video your new boy toy made of me a few days ago. Then, if I wasn’t fucking embarrassed enough, someone sent the link to my boss and my parents. Safe to say that neither took it very well. I guess doing coke off a whore’s tits is bad for business and my reputation. So not only did I get fired from my job, but my parents have also decided to disown me until I can prove to them I’m not a coke-headed fiend. So, thanks for that,” he says before chugging a half-empty bottle of vodka.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, nor did I have anything to do with it. You made your own bed, Cooper.”
“And now I’m going to have to lie on it. Is that what you were going to say?” he sneers, flaring his nostrils. “You’re right. It is on me because I fucking misjudged you. Back at school, when we were kids, I thought to myself, ‘Here is a good girl. A girl who has her head on her shoulders and is just as ambitious as I am. She’s a keeper. She’s the kind of girl you marry.’ Fuck, did I get that one wrong. You’re just like the rest of them. Just another money-grabbing bitch who jumps on the first cock that looks her way. I lost everything because you couldn’t keep your fucking legs closed!”
“What did you just say to me?” I charge at him, unaware of the mistake I’m making by getting close to such a delusional, self-centered lunatic.