Page 127 of Never Tear Us Apart

“On your knees bitch,” he says with malicious urgency. “Now.”

Royce forces me to my knees, one hand firmly on my shoulder, while the other holds my hair tight. “Please, Cal,” I look up. “Don’t do this.”

“Fuck,” he swipes a thumb across my mouth, then presses it between my lips. “Say that again.”

My lower lip trembles and bile rises in my throat. “You don’t want to do this. Cruz is your friend.”

“Was,” he corrects. “And it’s because he was, Iamgoing to do this.”

I shake my head, vision blurred by my woozy head.

“We were perfect until he brought us down here,” he says angrily. “Then you ruined it. So now I’m going to ruin you, and I can’t wait to see you choking on your spit and tears.”

“You think sucking your dick will ruin me?” I choke out.

“That is exactly what will happen.” Royce yanks my head back. “Who else is so fanatical about keeping all the guys away from their new stepsister other than one who wants her for himself? Cruz is exactly the kind of guy who won’t be able to handle this.”

Cal yanks his shorts down, and his cock springs free. I try to look away but the way Royce is holding my head makes it so that it’s the only thing I can see. It’s huge and the vein on his shaft bulges angrily as it bobs up and down with the shifting of his breath.

“I don’t care what your name is or how much money you have.” He wraps his strong hand around his shaft and starts to pump it. “A whore is a whore, no matter her bank account.”

“Okay,” Royce looks around. “Get on with it.”

“Get on with it?” Cal laughs. “I told you preppy. I’m going to take my time while I stuff her mouth full of my dick.”

“There isn’t time for this,” Royce blows out impatiently.

“Think of it this way, every minute I get now, is a game I throw for you later. Millions of your own, in those greedy little pockets. All you gotta do is let me fuck her mouth as long, and as hard as I want.”

“Fine,” Royce blows out angrily. “But get on with it now before I change my mind.”

“Fuck you,” I spit. “Fuck both of you.”

“And for that, you’re going to swallow,” Cal grins. “Now open up.”

Grabbing my head with one hand, he nudges the head of his cock against my lips and when I close my eyes and take a deep breath through my nose, a million thoughts race through my mind.

This is one moment. One in a long life that I plan to have once the both of them are distracted enough so I can make a runfor it. I just hope Cruz can forgive me for what I have to do to save us both.

Chapter 25


I spent the day with the guys as planned. We drank beer and played catch—each of us doing well to keep our arms warm and loose this summer. I was too worried about the flier Ellery got to bother with Cal, but surprisingly his mood shifted, and he seemed focused on the four of us spending the day together, instead of his earlier bullshit.

While Jake and I didn’t get a hold of his dad when we called earlier in the day due to him being out on assignment, he did call back just as I was about to head back over to Ellery’s.

As I wait patiently for Jake and his dad to say hello and catch up, I’m just about ready to jump out of my skin when his father confirms Jane Doe is in fact Caleb’s sister.

The second he says it, I feel like I’ve been hit by a wall of bricks and I can see the shock in Jake’s eyes, too. I knew it. I fucking knew it.

Holding the phone up so I can hear, Jake asks how he was able to confirm the identity, when the authorities in Elmhurst weren’t. His dad explains that a new national database for missing persons hasn’t been adopted by all jurisdictions yet and guesses local police in these parts don’t have access to it.

It’s an answer, but one I don’t buy totally. Cherry Cove is dated in its own ways. Even if it were protocol for autopsies to be handled by the Elmhurst Medical Examiner, it wouldn’t have been hard for the authorities in Elmhurst to check with Cherry Cove PD to see if anyone had been reported missing, and from there, a positive ID all but assured. That tells me it’s not about access, but interest. They didn’t want her to be found. They werecovering it up. Either the fact she died in Elmhurst, or the fact she was dead at all. Or maybe both.

I have a lot of questions and my suspicions are growing, but one thing is clear—the flier with Ellery’s picture on it was a threat. Did they know she was digging into her father’s case and it was some kind of warning to back off? If so, what did Caleb’s sister have to do with it, or those other missing girls for that matter?

“I’m heading to Ellery’s.” I reach for my keys after Jake hangs up with his dad.