Page 128 of Never Tear Us Apart

“Wait,” he calls out as I head for the door. “There’s something else.”

I stop and wave for him impatiently to spit it out. “The symbol didn’t belong to any of the secret societies at Yale, and when he asked some of his sources about it, they got really weird. Usually he can get some information, but this time he said every door was closed in his face. He didn’t ask where we got the information on Jane Doe and he said he didn’t want to know, but he told me to tell you, whatever is going on, to let it go.”

“Let it go?” I repeat, incredulously. “I can’t let it go. This is proof there’s something going on, and whatever it is, they’re targeting Ellery.”

“I know.” Jake crosses his arms and nods. “I’m not trying to stop you. I’m asking if there is anything I can do.”

The tension in my shoulders eases a bit, knowing I’m not about to get into it with my best friend. “I’m good.” I shoot him an appreciative look. “I’m going to Ellery’s. I’ll feel better once I know she’s safe.”

“Okay.” He grips my shoulder. “Whatever you need man, I mean it. I got your back.”

“Thanks, brother.” It means the world to me Jake has my back. He is the only one who really knows how I feel about Ellery and it speaks volumes.

Fighting with Cal was one thing, but Jake and I, there was a bond between us that would be there for life. No matter what team he played on or I, we were going to be brothers for life. He really is my ride or die.

Jake squeezes my shoulder a second time, then drops his hand and nods toward the door. “Alright, man. Go and get your girl.”

I spin and head for the door and when I yank it open, see Jenica coming up the front walk. “Hey,” I stop cold. “What are you doing here?”

“Fliers.” She points toward the open door. “I need the extra copies we had made that day.”

My chest tightens knowing the fliers are now an effort in futility. Someone has to tell Caleb. His family has to know. But shit, I don’t want to be the one to tell him.

“Go on in,” I wave at the door and give Jake a look that says don’t say anything. He nods as if getting the message loud and clear. We’ll have to figure out what to do later. “Wait,” I turn back around as she heads inside. “Why aren’t you with Ellery? Didn’t she ask you to come over today?”

“Just left,” she confirms, tucking her handbag under one arm. “My mom needed me at the store, and I promised my brother I would pick these up. He and Travis want to head to Davenport later and put them up.“

“Ah.” I nod. “Alright then. Well, I’m headed there now.”

“Yeah,” she grins. “I think she’s been expecting you.”

Hopping into the driver’s seat, I start the engine, release the brake, then put the car into gear and peel down the driveway. After what I’ve just learned, I not only plan to keep Ellery with me for the rest of the summer, but don’t plan to let her out of my sight.


When I get to her house a couple minutes later, the door is unlocked. “Ellie,” I call out when I step inside. My voice echoes up the stairs, and the emptiness of the house makes my skin prick. Maybe she’s in the house somewhere with her Walkman on full volume.

I make my way down the foyer and head into the family room, but when I don’t see her there, I look out back. The wind has picked up more and the visibility on the beach is low.

I head upstairs, thinking she’s in the shower or maybe even waiting for me in bed. But when I get to her room, it’s in disarray and she’s not there. Shit, were they robbed?

I look around, and nothing appears to be missing. Everything of value is its place. But when I see the window open, a weird feeling sweeps over me.

I make my way over and look out, then down, and when I see a piece of fabric on the trellis, a chill shoots down my spine. I crane my head out the window to see if anything looks out of the ordinary when I hear a scream I’d know anywhere.


I tear down the back stairs and race out to the beach. I don’t hear anything, other than the waves pounding the shore, and the eerie whistle of wind. Then I hear another scream that sounds like it’s coming from the direction of my house.

I take off running and when I approach our back yard and hear voices in the shadows down by the old pier, I veer off into the darkness. It’s then I see her. She’s on her knees and Royce has her arms pinned back, and a hand on her head, while Cal stands in front of her with his shorts down and his dick in his hands.

“Get the fuck off her!” I roar.

Cal whips his head around in time to meet my fist. As it juts back, I push him down to the ground and jump on top of him. I throw one punch, two, three, my fist connecting with his faceeach time his head jerks back, splitting the skin on his nose, cheek and lip.

“You son of a bitch! What the fuck are you doing?” I continue pummeling him, sand flying everywhere as his feet thrash.

“Cruz, come on man!” he shouts. “I’m your brother. She’s not worth it.”