Annalise blinked her eyes as she stared into Brinley’s, and for a moment, Brinley really thought she might start to cry. “You’re one of a kind. I hope you know that, Brinley Adams.”

Brinley closed the space between her and Annalise and wrapped her arms around Annalise’s waist. “You would do the same for me.”

Annalise stared at her for a few seconds, unmoving, unblinking, then placed the softest, gentlest kiss right on Brinley’s lips. It was so light, she almost couldn’t feel it, but the rapid beating of her heart was enough to tell her that she hadn’t imagined it. She tried to think of words to say, but they all fell short, so she placed the same type of kiss on Annalise’s lips.

The sound of a throat clearing caused them to jump apart. “Get a room,” Annalise’s grandma said with a laugh.

After that moment they shared, Brinley really wished they could, but they had a job to do. They said goodbye to Annalise’s grandma then headed out.

Once outside on the sidewalk, Annalise grabbed Brinley’s hand. “I meant what I said in there. You really are one of a kind.”

As they started walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand , Brinley completely forgot that her car was parked in the driveway. All she could focus on was the fact that Annalise was holding her hand as they walked back to her apartment together. They had done so much together at this point, but this moment was more intense than any of that.

Brinley didn’t have a chance to consider what that all meant because as soon as they were inside Annalise’s apartment building, their work began. They spent the next two hours carrying furniture, clothing, and everything else you could imagine between two floors while the grumpy residents did nothing but complain about how tired they were.

By the time they were back in Annalise’s apartment, all they could do was throw themselves onto her bed. The last thing Brinley wanted to do was move, but she also knew if they didn’t eat anything, they would both regret it in the morning. She pulled out her phone and found the closest Italian restaurant to get pizza delivered to them. She was sure it wouldn’t be as good as the pizza near her place, but she needed finger food, and pizza seemed like the best option.

After putting the order through, Annalise cuddled up against her. When Brinley heard tiny snores coming from her direction, all she wanted to do was close her eyes, but she needed to stay awake for when the pizza arrived. Luckily, it didn’t take too long, and as soon as the delivery driver called to say he was there, she jumped out of bed to go get it. By the time she got back from the lobby, Annalise was sitting up in bed waiting for her.

With her tousled hair, tired eyes, and small, but brilliant smile, she looked absolutely breathtaking. It felt like a dream that Brinley got to sit in bed with this woman and share a pizza with her.

“So, did you pass your test yet?” she asked between bites. There was a part of her that didn’t want to know the answer to that question, but as Annalise’s designated sex teacher, she felt like she should ask.

“No, not yet. I honestly wasn’t sure if we were still following the syllabus or not.”

Maybe we shouldn’t. Nope. Wrong answer. Why was Brinley suddenly thinking like this? She was talking to the woman who spent years in a relationship with a guy she had no sexual chemistry with. She deserved to finally have a little fun. Brinley scoffed to make her point. “Of course we’re still following it. You’re not a quitter, are you?”

Annalise looked at Brinley, eyes serious for just a moment before she lifted an eyebrow and smirked. “I feel like that’s a challenge.”

Brinley raised an eyebrow back at her. “Maybe it is.”

“Okay, then, I’ll set something up for this week.”

“Perfect.” The way Brinley’s stomach clenched at the thought told her it was anything but perfect.

Unlike what was to come, however, this moment really was perfect, and she refused to let anyone or anything ruin that.

Chapter 15


Annalise couldn’t remember the last time she hooked up with anyone other than Brinley. Things with Clarissa had eventually fizzled out, and all the other women were one and done.

There was something different about the woman she was meeting up with tonight though. Of course, she was gorgeous with her long curly blonde hair and sparkling green eyes, and her name, Lexie, literally rhymed with sexy—a fact that Nathalie had made sure to point out. But none of that was what made her stand out. Unlike all the other women she had hooked up with, Lexie and Annalise had actually talked. Throughout the week leading up to their date (if that’s what it could be called), they messaged each other back and forth. Annalise even felt comfortable enough to admit to Lexie that she wasn’t quite sure where her sexuality fell, and that hooking up with women was pretty new to her.

If that weirded Lexie out at all, she certainly didn’t show it. In fact, she responded by telling Annalise that she couldn’t wait to show her what a woman could do. Annalise didn’t bother telling her that another woman had already proven that very well. Instead, she told her she couldn’t wait either.

Another difference was this woman only lived fifteen minutes away in the next town over, which made meeting up so much easier. Annalise didn’t mind driving into the city to see Brinley, but doing it for random strangers was getting exhausting. The drive to Lexie’s apartment, which was oddly similar to Annalise’s, was a breath of fresh air.

She followed the directions that Lexie had given her for once she arrived, and within minutes, was standing outside of her apartment door. She took a deep breath before knocking. When Lexie opened the door, Annalise was surprised to find she was even sexier than in her pictures, but that also could have had a lot to do with the cropped tank and short skirt she was wearing—an outfit that left literally nothing to the imagination. Annalise suddenly felt very underdressed in her jeans and sweater, but the way Lexie’s eyes raked over her whole body told her it must not have been that bad of a choice.

When Lexie’s eyes landed on Annalise’s backpack, they lit up even more. “Did you bring it?”

During their conversations, Annalise may have mentioned the new vibrator she got for her birthday. She also might have mentioned how she used it on herself almost every night since. What she didn’t mention was the fact that she thought about the woman who gave it to her each and every time she used it, and how she imagined her face as she came. Some things were better left unsaid.

Annalise licked her lips. “I did.”

She was happy Lexie was just as excited over the vibrator as she was because it meant she would get to pass the next test. A little bit later when Lexie made her come with that very vibrator, the first thought to pop into Annalise’s head was how excited she was to tell Brinley, so they could continue with their lessons.