Both, honestly. Brinley wasn’t going to say that to Annalise’s grandma though.

Annalise’s grandma waved her hand. “I know you’re not going to tell me that, so don’t worry. I’m sure you two have an unspoken coochie contract or something.” Annalise’s grandma poured herself another glass of wine and topped off Brinley’s. “There is one question I need you to answer for me. No exceptions. I won’t accept silence as an answer.”

Brinley took a big sip of her wine. She wasn’t sure if she was prepared for whatever this question was. “Okay.”

“How the hell did Annalise get that big bruise on her forehead? She won’t tell me, so I figure it must be a great story.”

Brinley laughed thinking about drunken Annalise sticking the dildo to her forehead and the bruise that immediately followed. Brinley brought her hand to her mouth to try to stifle her laugh. Annalise would kill her if she shared that story. “I’m really sorry, but it’s not my story to tell.”

Annalise’s grandma sighed then lifted both eyebrows as she sat down her now-empty wine glass. “I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my grandchildren. I’m one heart attack away from being six feet under the ground. You’re really going to have them bury me without knowing this story?”

Wow, grandma, you really don’t fight fair. Brinley shook her head. She had to stay strong. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

Annalise’s grandma put a hand on her heart and closed her eyes. Brinley was pretty sure she was messing with her, but she was doing such a good job, she couldn’t be positive. Shit.

“Do you know what a dildo is?”

The old woman’s eyes popped open and a small smile parted her lips. “I’m old, but I’m not dead.” As if realizing she had broken her act, she coughed into her elbow. “Yet,” she added, her voice suddenly weak.

There was no question that Brinley was being played, but this old woman was stronger than her. There’s no way she’d win. “So, Annalise was… umm… playing with one after having birthday drinks. And, ah, well, she stuck it on her forehead, and when she took it off, she had that mark.”

Annalise’s grandma threw her head back in laughter so hard, Brinley worried she might actually break something. “That’s the best story I’ve ever heard. Thank you, dear. Thank you so much.” Once she calmed herself down, she patted Brinley’s hand. “You’re definitely not getting laid tonight.” She chuckled lightly. “You’ll be lucky if you ever get laid again, honestly.”

Brinley knew Annalise’s grandma was right. Her only hope was that the woman would forget what she told her by the time she saw Annalise. Of course, Brinley could never be that lucky, and at that exact moment, Annalise walked through the door.

Brinley was quiet as Annalise walked across the room and was surprised to find that her grandma was too. Except when she looked over, the old woman was staring right at Annalise’s forehead, so she knew exactly what was coming. At least, she thought she did.

Annalise must have noticed too because she brought her hand to her forehead. “What’s wrong? Did I sweat my coverup off?”

“No. The cover up is doing a really good job. I’m surprised how well it’s hiding your dickey.”

“My what?” The realization showed on Annalise’s face at the exact same moment that Brinley figured out what it meant.

Don’t laugh. I don’t care how funny this is. Don’t fucking laugh.

Annalise’s grandma pointed at her forehead. “Your dick hickey. Dickey.”

Annalise’s eyes immediately shot to Brinley who was trying very hard not to burst out laughing. Even though she was clearly trying to hide it, a small smile parted Annalise’s lips. “She played the death card, didn’t she?”

Brinley nodded. “Faked a heart attack and all.”

Annalise’s grandma gasped and brought her hand up to her chest. “I would never.”

Annalise rolled her eyes at her grandma. “I think all three of us know that you most certainly would.” Annalise sighed and threw herself onto the couch beside Brinley. “Also, I’m glad you two are having such a good time together, because I came down to tell you I unfortunately can’t do anything tonight. I only have twenty minutes, then I’m going back to help the residents who now have water damage to move all of their shit to a new apartment.”

Annalise looked exhausted and Brinley felt terrible for her. She was definitely going above and beyond anything she had to do, but Brinley was quickly learning that’s just the type of person Annalise was. “Who do you have helping you?”

“It’s just me, the husband of the woman who overflowed the bathtub, and the man and woman who live in the apartment that was damaged due to the water that came through their ceiling. None of them are spring chickens, so it’s pretty much just me. My boss has to get home to her kids so she can’t stay any longer.”

“I can help.” Brinley jumped off the couch, eager to do whatever she could to make Annalise feel better. She hated seeing her so stressed out like this. She turned toward Annalise’s grandma. “That is, if you’re okay with me leaving a little bit early.”

“You go ahead. We had our fun. Plus, you owe her after giving away her dickey secret.”

Brinley focused her attention back on Annalise. “What do you say? Can I help?”

“You really want to? It’s not going to be easy, and even though it’s a small apartment, they packed a lot of shit into it. I have a feeling it’s going to take a while.”

“It will take less time with both of us working on it, though, right?”